Casco Logix
MSP430AFE253 Development Board User Guide
Rev 1.3
Page 6
3.3V Jumper
The 3.3V jumper (P2) provides a means of disconnecting the regulated 3.3V supply output from the FT230XQ.
This allows use of an alternate power supply without back feeding into the FT230XQ chip. This is especially
important when trying to achieve the lowest possible power consumption (i.e. battery-powered applications,
etc.). This jumper is labeled in the silkscreen on the back of the MSP430AFE253 Development Board.
TX & RX Jumper
The RX and TX jumpers (P4 and P5 respectively) provide a means of disconnecting the FT230XQ UART lines in
case other UART hardware needs to be connected (i.e. UART display, GPS chip, etc). This is especially important
when trying to achieve the lowest possible power consumption (i.e. battery-powered applications, etc.). These
jumpers are labeled in the silkscreen on the back of the MSP430AFE253 Development Board.
Spy-by-Wire Debug Header
The Spy-by-Wire Debug Header (P3) provides a means of connecting a debugger (e.g.
) for
program load and debug.
RX Jumper
TX Jumper
3.3V Jumper
VCC (3.3V)