TV and DVD player are located port side in the salon. The TV is also equipped with Amazon Fire
streaming device.
The primary WORKING ANCHOR is a plow type. It is attached to 200ft chain and that passes through
the deck from the ANCHOR LOCKER. The locker can be accessed through the forward deck hatch.
Release the anchor keeper.
The WINDLASS POWER SWITCH is located on the panel at the helm. At the bow, unclip the retaining
cable. Tap gently on the ‘down’ foot control to provide a small amount of slack in the chain. Tip the
anchor just over center and gently begin lowering the anchor. If necessary, guide the anchor over the
anchor roller to prevent binding on the pulpit. Be careful of pinch points.
Let out sufficient ANCHOR RODE before setting the anchor. Colored markers are placed to gauge
red every 10’—Yellow every 25’. This is a gauge of the amount of rode. If the anchorage is crowded
put down at least a 3 to 1 scope (60 feet for 20 feet of water), back the anchor in with a short burst from
the engine. Then let out additional scope dependent upon conditions. Install anchor chain bridle from
bow cleats to chain, slack a loop in the windlass side of the chain.
Before raising the anchor, ALWAYS start the engines as the windlass uses large amounts of power. Turn
‘on’ the WINDLASS SWITCH and take up slack to remove pressure on chain bridle. Remove the bridle
from the chain. As the boat moves toward the anchor, press the ‘up’ control to take up slack line. Give
the windlass short rests as you are pulling it up. If necessary, idle the boat forward with the engines by
placing briefly in gear to put slack in chain.
Place yourself in position to guide the anchor onto the roller.
As the anchor rises, be careful not to allow it to swing against the hull. Wash it down before it goes into
anchor locker.
Reconnect the keeper between the anchor and windlass. Close the plastic covers on the FOOT PEDAL