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GB - 3

Infrared remote


40KMC------301 units are factory configured as cooling only.
40KMQ------301 units are factory configured as heat pumps.
When a cooling only system with a 40KMQ------301 indoor unit is
installed, it is necessary to change the factory configuration.
Such operation must be performed as follows:

Cooling only configuration (of the system)

• Check all electrical connections (instructions and wiring diagram).
• Insert the batteries into the remote control and leave it OFF.
• Energise the system, turning the power supply ON.
• Press the 


 buttons of the infrared remote control and

hold them pressed for more than 5 seconds.

• The display will be cleared, the time segments will display the

first configuration item (rAdr = remote address) and the tempera-
ture segments will display the default value of this configuration
item (Ab = control of both indoor units).

• Press button 

 repeatedly until “UCFG” is displayed.

• Press either the 


 button to change the default value (HP)

to the new value (AC).

• Press 

 button to transmit the new configuration to the unit.

• Press 

 button to leave the configuration menu.

For other available configuration options, see table I.

Cooling only configuration (of the remote controller)

This configuration needs to be selected for 40KMC------301
indoor units.

• Insert the batteries into the remote controller and leave it OFF.
• Press the 


 buttons of the infrared remote control and

hold them pressed for more than 5 seconds.

• The display will be cleared, the temperature segments will

display the first configuration item (CH = remote address) and
the time segments will display the default value of this
configuration item (Ab = control of both indoor units).

• Press button 

 repeatedly until “rc” is displayed.

• Press either the 


 button to change the default value (HP)

to the new value (AC).

• Press 

 button to confirm the new configuration.

• Press 

 button to leave the configuration menu.

For other available configuration options, see table II.


When 30 seconds have elapsed and no buttons have been
pressed, the remote controller will automatically exit the
configuration menu and the procedure has to be restarted.

System configuration


 If “rc” is changed from “HP” to “AC” and the remote control

is set in the automatic or heating modes, the operation mode will be
changed to cooling.


 If the “HR” is set to a value that is lower than “CR” and the

remote control operating mode is auto, the operating mode is set
to cooling.


Shown on display





“A”: remote unit A

Remote address indoor unit A

“b”: remote unit B

Remote address indoor unit B

“Ab”: remote units A and B

Default address is both indoor units



“HP”: heat pump (indoor unit with electric heaters only)

Default address is heat pump

“AC”: cooling only (indoor unit with or without electric heaters)

Change address for cooling only





40 with increase of 1

CCN unit address
Default = 1





40 with increase of 1

Number of zone

Default = 0





40 with increase of 1

Number of GFD
Default = 1


“A St”

“OF”: The unit remains OFF after the temporary

Choose of operating mode after a

power supply interruption.

power supply interruption

“On”: The unit goes back to the previous operation mode

after the temporary power suppply interruption.

Table I

Shown on display



“A”: unit A

Address indoor unit A.


“b”: unit B

Address indoor unit B.

“Ab”: units A and B

Default address is both indoor units.


“C”: Degrees Celsius


“F”: Degrees Fahrenheit

Default is °C.


“HP”: heat pump & Cooling with Electric Heater

Default address is heat pump.

“AC”: cooling only

Change address for cooling only.


17 – 32: 17°C ÷ 32°C

Heating temperature range °C min. and max.

63 – 90: 63°F ÷ 90°F

Heating temperature range °F min. and max.


17 – 32: 17°C ÷ 32°C

Cooling temperature range °C min. and max.

63 – 90: 63°F ÷ 90°F

Cooling temperature range °F min. and max.


12 : 12: hour clock (AM/PM)

Time format (AM = morning; PM = afternoon).

24 : 24: hour clock

Default is 12 : 12.

Table II
