Before the engine can be screwed on, it must be equipped as follows.
Glue all screws, also the threaded rods with screw locking! The connecting sleeve must
have a small distance (about 1-2 mm) to the motor.
Now you can screw the engine on the jet. It is important that it is sitting straight on the
jet shaft, to this the nuts on the two threaded rods are to tighten crosswise.
It is important that the jet shaft sits completely in the jet, this must be held against from
Now you can put on the engine and screw.
Use the enclosed piece of wood to create a guide for the 2 Bowden cables. These
correspond to the arrangement drill, attach and also stick together.
It is important to lead it as deep as possible and close to the engine (2-3 mm of air is
sufficient), otherwise the battery holder will later no longer fit. The middle bowden cable
has to sit slightly higher.
Finally, the 2 bushings are sticked together and sealed from the inside. Let everything dry
Check tightness again.