Carmanah Technologies Corp. | 250 Bay St, Victoria, BC V9A 3K5, Canada | 1-877-722-8877 |
Automatic Light Control (ALC)
Automatic Light Control (ALC) is a Carmanah patented energy management system. ALC allows the EMS to
reduce the fixture brightness in response to low battery states of charge. ALC activates if battery charge gets
below 70%, which does not occur in normal circumstances when the system is properly sized for its location.
When ALC is set to on, the UI will report the amount of ALC being applied as a percentage. A reading of 70%
means that ALC is reducing the fixture current to 70% of its normal value. If battery voltage continues to
decrease, the ALC value will also decrease until LVD (Low Voltage Disconnect) is eventually reached.
Carmanah default is on.
LED Temperature
LED Temperature is set according to the color of the LED in the fixture. The EMS uses this information to apply
fine adjustments to the fixture current to account for changes in LED efficacy with changing ambient temperature,
ensuring consistent brightness regardless of ambient temperature.
Although the light bars contain yellow LEDs, LED Temperature should be off for systems using
light bars.
The LED Temperature setting is correctly pre-configured in the factory.