© 2015, Carmanah Technologies Corporation. EG320-340_UserManual_76116RevA
EMS iNdicAtoR LiGhtS
Maintenance & Product Care
The EG320/EG340 solar engines are designed to
operate reliably for years with virtually no need for
maintenance. Carmanah recommends routine inspec-
tions of the solar panels to ensure that they are unob-
structed by anything that may prevent effective solar
charging, including:
• dirt and dust
• snow
• leaves
• debris
• bird droppings
• shade that may have developed after installation
due to adjacent plant growth.
The frequency of the inspections depends on location
and local weather patterns. A yearly visual inspection
of the EG320/EG340 solar engine is typically suffi
cient. The EG320/EG340 is designed to be mainte-
nance free, however maximum system performance
will be achieved when the LED fixture lenses and
solar panels are clean.
Fuse Replacement
A wiring fault during installation or maintenance
can sometimes cause the battery fuse to blow. The
EG320/EG340 is shipped with one extra battery fuse
in a small bag tie-wrapped to the battery fuse holder.
To replace the fuse:
1. Make sure you’re not wearing any metal jewelry,
or holding any tools or other conductive objects.
2. Check all wiring for any faults that may have
caused the fuse to blow.
3. Carefully reach into the enclosure to the right of
the EMS, above the Carmanah symbol, and pull
out the fuse holder.
4. Pull the fuse holder apart and check the fuse.
5. Replace a blown fuse with the spare fuse
If additional fuses are required, use the following
replacement fuses or equivalent:
EG320 - Littelfuse part # 0314015.
EG340 - Littelfuse part # 0314030.
Battery Replacement
When the EG320/340 system’s batteries require
replacement, it is recommended that the EG-series
Maintenance Kit be used (Carmanah part # 75278).
This kit provides maintenance brackets which allow
the solar panels to be tilted out of the way to allow
easy access to the batteries.
Battery replacement procedure should
not be carried out in windy conditions.
In all cases, the area at the base of
the pole must be roped off to prevent
people from being injured or killed by
falling pieces.
Energy Management System
(EMS) Recycling
Production of the EMS required the extraction and
use of natural resources. The EMS may contain
substances that could be harmful to the environ-
ment or human health if improperly handled at the
product’s end of life. In order to avoid release of such
substances into the environment and to reduce the
use of natural resources, we encourage you to recycle
the EMS in an appropriate way that will ensure most
of the materials are reused or recycled appropriately.
Check your local municipality for electronics recyclers.