Maintenance and Safety Manual
How to install new saw chain parts
NOTE: Use only Carlton parts to repair Carlton saw chain,
and only use parts which are the correct size and type for
your saw chain.
Remove rivets, and parts to be replaced, as shown under “How
to break out rivets,” in the next section. Never reassemble a
saw chain with old preset tie straps; always use NEW preset
tie straps.
If needed, file off the bottom of the
new parts to match the existing worn
parts. File new cutters back to match
the worn cutters. Do not file the tops
of kickback-reducing bumper drive
links or guard links.
Place the
preset tie
on a flat outer
surface of a saw chain
breaker anvil. Be sure
the rivets are pointing
up. Assemble the saw
chain to the preset tie
strap; be sure to assemble the regular tie
strap with the brandmark face up, and
the notch towards the drive link tangs.
Note: New rivet heads may be smaller
and shaped differently than factory-
spun heads.
Make sure all the parts are assembled in the correct location
and sequence. Please see the illustrations on page 3. If
unsure, ask your Carlton dealer.
Technical Tip
Rivet heads must be snug and secure while still allowing all joined
parts to move freely. Rapid wear leading to possible saw chain
breakage and personal injury can be caused by rivet heads that are
either too tight or too loose.
Saw Chain Maintenance