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GNSS Position Mode
The nex
t step is to set the NR3 as a rover. Click on the GNSS tab and select ‘Position Mode’. Configure the NR3 as
a rover by selecting ‘Rover’. Click ‘Ok’ to save the current settings.
Figure 9: GNSS Position Mode
NTRIP Client/Server
The NR3 will need to have an RTK correction stream configured for input. Click on the Corrections tab and select
‘NTRIP Client/Server’ to begin.
In the NTRIP Settings box,
click on ‘New NTRIP client’.
In the Edit NTRIP Connection box, set the Mode as ‘Client’, set the Caster and Port values along with
Username and Password. Select the Mountpoint from the drop-down menu. When all settings are complete,
click ‘Ok’.
Figure 10: GNSS NTRIP Connection Client Settings
Click ‘Ok’ when all settings are complete to save to current settings. The rover will begin to receive corrections
when in a valid location. The Ntrip box will show a green line indicating a valid correction stream.