Rev.01 | CERTUS Multifunction Safety Module | © 2017 |
Lift levelling example
The module monitors the correct cabin
position inside the unlocking zone.
The safety outputs have to be connected
to the landing doors circuits and cabin
doors, in order to bypass the outputs when
the lift is inside the unlocking zone
Certus module can be connected with
different types of input
The auxiliary output has to be connected
to the lift controller board, in order to
check its status when the cabin is in the
unlocking zone
12.3 Lift levelling example
The module must be connected to the lift plant and to the lift controller board in order to bypass the
output of the landing and cabin doors circuit, following the landing of the cabin to the floor, allowing
the lift cabin to be re-levelled to the floor and allowing the detection of faults. The module checks the
status of two independent inputs and consequently changes the status of the safety outputs enabled by
the lift controller.
Lift car levelling safety module, designed according to Lift Directive 2014/33/EU and to
safety circuit requirements of EN 81-20, EN 81-50 Standards.
EN 81-20: 2014: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Part 20:
passenger and goods/passenger lifts.
EN 81-50: 2014: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Part 50: design
rules, calculations, examinations and tests of lift components.