77-3128-R2 (10/2022)
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Providing all conditions of safe use/installation stated within the product manuals have been complied with
and also installed in accordance with any applicable local codes of practice.
Signed for and on behalf of
Carlisle Fluid Technologies UK
Executive President: Engineering and
Operations, Scottsdale, AZ, 85254. USA
This Declaration of conformity/incorporation is issued under the sole responsibility of the
UKCA Declaration of Conformity
Protection Level:
Carlisle Fluid Technologies UK Ltd,
Ringwood Road,
Bournemouth, BH11 9LH. UK
II 2 G X / Ex h II Gb
Notified body details and role:
Element Materials Technology (0891)
F. A. Sutter
Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2016
by complying with the following statutory documents and harmonised standards:
BS EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of Machinery - General Principles for Design
BS EN 1127-1:2019 Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention - Basic concepts
BS EN ISO 80079-36:2016 Explosive Atmospheres- Part 36: Non Electrical equipment for explosive
atmospheres-Basic methods and requirements.
BS EN ISO 80079-37:2016 Explosive Atmospheres- Part 37: Non Electrical equipment for explosive
atmospheres - protection by methods "c", "b" and "k".
Lodging of Technical file
This Declaration of conformity/incorporation is
issued under the sole responsibility of the
Product Description / Object of Declaration:
Solvent and Water based materials
Zone 1 / Zone 2
Suitable for use in hazardous area:
This Product is designed for use with:
CCV Valves - CCV-403-SS, CCV-403-SS-E,CCV-
503-SS, 240-2012, 240-2012-AC