Carlin EZ-Temp 90300 Datasheet Download Page 2

MN90300B  072016

Model 90300 Microprocessor Temperature Controls — Data sheet

Model 90300 

Diagnostic LED’s





1 2 5


1 2 5




1 2 5

1 2 5



E 0 1



E 0 1



Power Off

Power On

No Call for Heat

Call for Heat


Latchup, red flashes 

every 2 seconds

Primary Relay  

Warning, red flashes 

every 5 seconds



Electrical shock hazard:

 Disconnect power to appliance when 

wiring or servicing any electrical component.

Power, Off – 

(How to enter = No power is applied to the red-white wire)  

• All lights and screen will be off. 

Power, On –

 (How to enter = Power applied to red-white wire) 

• System will power on and enter NORMAL OPERATION MODE

Self-test – 

When power is applied, the 90300 performs a self-test, checking 

sensor(s) and microprocessor and verifying limit contacts are open. The 

power-up test lasts from 3 to 5 seconds. The 90300 continues diagnos-

tic checking during the operating cycle as well. Any self-check failure 

causes a lockout (see below). 

Call for Heat/High Fire – 

When the temperature at the operating sensor is 

at or below setpoint minus fixed differential, the control powers the limit 

relay (break-on-rise contact closes; make-on-rise contact open).

Stand By/Low FIre –

 When operating sensor reaches setpoint temperature 

or above, temp control will turn off the relay (break-on rise contact 

opens; make-on-rise contact closes). 

Normal Operation (Mode) – 

(How to enter = Initial starting mode) 

• The EZ-Temp will display the User Set Temperature. 

Display – 

(How to enter = Pressing UP or DOWN key in NORMAL MODE) 

•  In DISPLAY MODE, the EZ-Temp will display current temperature read-

ing for 5 seconds, then return to NORMAL OPERATION

Setting –

 (How to enter = Hold up and down buttons for 3 seconds while in 


•  In SETTING MODE, the user is able to adjust the operating limit (via 

setting the set temperature). Once in this mode, the display will begin 

flashing the current set temperature. The display will increase one 

degree per UP or DOWN button push or 10 degrees per second when 

the button is held. 

Diagnostic –

 (How to enter = Power up the system with the UP and DOWN 

buttons depressed. Once buttons are released, the system will move 

into diagnostic mode)  

•  DIAGNOSTIC MODE displays recorded error codes. When powered in 

this mode, the display will show the newest recorded error code. As 

the DOWN key is pressed, the system will display error codes from 

newest to the oldest. When there are no more codes to display, the 

EZ-Temp will show a “


 _ _” to indicate end of error codes. If the user 

continues to push the down button, the system will go back to the 

newest error code and begin displaying the error codes again from 

newest to oldest. The only way to exit this mode is to power cycle the 

system. To clear error codes (while in diagnostic mode), push and hold 

RESET button for 3 seconds.

High Limit Temp – 

Fixed temp where the control will shut down and lockout 

(model dependent).

High Limit Test –

 (How to enter = In NORMAL OPERATION, hold RESET, UP 

and DOWN buttons for 3 seconds) 

•  During this operation, EZ-Temp will display a flashing 180 (or your 

current high temp). Pressing the DOWN button adjusts the high limit 

temperature. The high temp will decrease one degree for each press 

of the DOWN button. If the DOWN button is not pressed for a period 

of 10 seconds, the unit will return to normal operation. When the high 

limit is reached, the unit goes into hard lockout and displays the error 

code. Holding the RESET for 3 seconds clears the lockout and returns 

the high limit to default (180°). If the lockout condition has driven the 

unit into latchup, the RESET must be held for 30 seconds. 

Soft Lockout – 

(How to Enter = When any temperature sensor goes out of 

range or the system has detected a high temp condition and the primary 

and safety relays are still operational) 

•  When in this state, it will display the error code but will leave the 

lockout LED off. If the condition that caused the soft lockout clears, the 

system will return to normal operation. 

Lockout –

 (How to Enter = Numerous Error Codes) 

•  The EZ-Temp will enter this state when an unsafe condition has oc-

curred and the user must intervene and put the system in a safe state. 

Lockout can be cleared by pressing the RESET button for 3 seconds. 

Latchup –

 (How to Enter = Occurs after 3 LOCKOUTs have been detected) 

•  The system will enter a safe mode and will not exit the mode without 

user intervention. You can exit latchup mode by depressing the RESET 

button for thirty seconds. By exiting this way, the system will reset the 

lockout count back to zero.

Set temp – 

The target temperature of the appliance.

Operation Modes

Button Press Instructions

Quickly press the UP or DOWN button to display temperature.

Press and hold UP and DOWN buttons for 5 seconds to enter 

“Set Temperature” mode.
Press the UP or DOWN button to increase or decrease the “Set 

Do not press any buttons for 5 seconds to exit the “Set Tem-

perature” mode and save the new temperature.

Press and holde UP and DOWN buttons during power up to 

enter “Diagnostic Mode” mode.
Press the DOWN button to move to the next error recorded in 

the 16 deep error log. When you see an “E – –” displayed, you 

have reached the end of the log. If you press the DOWN button 

again, you will cycle back to the beginning of the log.
Press and hold RESET for 3 seconds to clear all recorded logs.

Press and hold RESET for 5 seconds to exit Lockout.

Press and hold RESET for 30 seconds to exit Latchup.

Display Mode

Set Temp Mode 

Diagnostic Mode



Lockout Mode

Latchup Mode



