Interior division
This product is only to be used as a shopping trolley
and is aimed at allowing the transport of shopping
items. The manufacturer shall not be liable should
the product be used for any other use for which it
is not intended.
The maximum load weight for the bag is
25 kilos.
Do not force the bag even when the
maximum load weight is not reached. Always place
the heaviest items at the bottom of the bag.
Pay special attention when using the product on a
ramp or incline, especially when loaded.
Pay special attention when using the trolley on wet
or slippery surfaces.
This product is not a toy. Do not allow this trolley to
be used by children or allow children to climb on it.
Do not use the interior of the trolley to transport
domestic animals or pets.
Do not store the trolley in damp or very hot places,
or indirect sunlight, as this may shorten its useful