With the TAP TEMPO chosen on the select switch LED on, you can set the
delay time simply by tapping the desired or the song tempo on the TEMPO
switch with your foot, you shall tap minimum two times ore more as the unit
will always set the tempo after the last two tap's.
With the MANUAL time function chosen on the select switch (LED above
tempo switch off) you set the desired delay time on the chicken head knob.
Counter Clock wise (-) longer delay time, Clock wise faster delay time.
On the ECHO knob you mix between dry and wet, Clock wise more echo.
On the FEEDBACK knob you choose the amount of echo's you want after
the original note.
With the TONE knob you adjust the voicing on the repeats from dark
position full counter clock wise to light full clock wise.
PLEASE NOTE the tone only effect the repeats not the overall guitar
With the LOOP you can insert an external effect device, i.e. a Chorus or Phase, even an overdrive pedal or
EQ with this you can either color or modulate the echo in a ton of different ways with really cool results.
But please notice the effects in the loop only work on the repeats not the overall main guitar tone.
Notice that you need to regulate the echo and feedback to lesser settings, if you insert a modulation effect in
the loop, as the feedback can go into oscillation if left with same setting as used with no modulation inserted.