Sukhoi SU 31—2.75m/2.6m Page|11
Parts Required:
Exhaust System. (KS86V, MTW TD75 etc)
Headers. (KS Comfort Headers, MTW Knuckle headers etc)
Tools Required:
Electric Drill
Drill Bit various
Dremel tool
Square (rule)
Steel rule(s)
Masking tape
Marking pen
Mounting a canister exhaust system in the SU-31 is
pretty straight forward. Obviously there is a large selec-
tion of canisters on the market to purchase. During as-
sembly we used KS3086 rear exit canisters. However
there is enough room in the fuselage to accommodate
most brands and styles of exhausts. Adjustable head-
ers were also used to fine tune the positioning of our
canister. Adjustable headers such as those produced
by MTW and KS really make the canister installation
process much easier, and will allow you to better posi-
tion your exhaust system.
Mask off the bottom of the engine dome in preparation
for marking out the desired cut out area. Again the
area that needs to be cut out will vary dependant on
your exhaust selection. It s important with a dual canis-
ter installation that you keep the centre seam area in-
tact, try and leave at least 20mm on either side of the
seam uncut.
Use the engine dome centre seam line as a reference
for marking out the area that requires cutting out. As
you can see from the pictures, we removed an area
70mm x 70mm. This gave us plenty of room to pass
the canister through, and allows air to flow in and
around the canister. Use your Dremel tool with a suit-
able cutting burr to cut out the area you have marked
out. Don t forget to use safety glasses and a face
The canisters we used passed underneath the wing
tube. To accommodate this we made a plywood canis-
ter mount to suit. This didn t take long, all that was
needed is a fret saw and some 2.5mm or 3mm ply. Its
easier to make a cardboard template first, to ensure a
good fit and less hassles.
Exhaust Installation