Spoiler and flap servo installation
The installation of Flap and Spoiler servos is identical to the
method of the 16mm airline servos. Use the 2.9 x 13 mm servo
screws included in the kit. Mount the hatches with the 1.9 x 10
mm sheet metal screws.
The flap linkage is built exactly like the aileron and elevator
linkage. For the spoiler linkage please use the 2mm threaded end
and one M2 spring steel clevis. The limited space requires a Z-
bend on the servo side. Do not experiment with this linkage. if this
linkage fails in flight it can have fatal consequences. If one spoiler
extends itself and the other one stays retracted there is almost no
chance to save your plane. That is because you most likely have no
idea what happened until you hit the ground…