Finished in 2 hours
Trial fit the the double-sided phenolic control horn in the slot
that is already milled in the base of the rudder, and mark
the part that will be glued in. Remove it, mask the exposed
parts and scuff the centre part on both sides with coarse
sandpaper. Glue in place with slow (
30 minute!)
epoxy and milled fibre, making sure that it is perfectly cen-
tred in the rudder. Fit the rudder to the vertical stabiliser
with a 4mm brass hinge tube, in the same way as the ele-
vators. Check for smooth movement.
The 2 rudder servos are fitted to a mounting plate in the
fuselage that is not installed yet - but we included the
instructions for installing them here so you can find them
Once the Rudder servo mounting plate has been installed,
at a later stage, you can install the servos as follows: Fit the
2 servos into the tray, with the output shafts towards the
back of the fuselage, and screw in place using the 2.8mm
Ø x 14mm long sheet-metal screws supplied with the kit,
the standard screws that are supplied with the servos
(they are too small). The milled plywood plate is strong and
stiff enough, and you do not need any extra strengthening.
Rough sand the top surface of 2 standard 25mm (1”) diam-
eter plastic output arms (or the larger 35mm/1.5” Ø types)
with 60 grit, or a Permagrit, and the bottom surface of the 2
phenolic rudder servo arms to ensure good glue adhesion.
Then fit the plastic output discs to the servos and connect
the servos to your R/C to centre both servos.
If you use the larger (35mm Ø) plastic servo output
discs you will need to notch them to clear the nuts that
secure the ball-links, as shown in the photo here.
With the R/C still switched ‘ON’ place the C-ARF rudder
servo horns on top of the servo output discs, with both
‘hooks’ facing forwards, and align them exactly using a
steel ruler as shown in the photo above. Make sure that the
back of the hook slots and the output disc securing screws
are all aligned perfectly. Then glue the C-ARF phenolic
arms on top of the plastic output discs with a few drops of
thick CA or slow epoxy and milled fibre. When the glue has
cured, remove and secure the phenolic arms to each out-
put disc with 4 of the small (2.2mm Ø) sheet-metal screws
Fit 4 ball-links to the phenolic horns as shown, through the
holes that are milled during manufacture, using M3 x 16
mm bolts and washer under the bolt heads, and an M3 nut
Composite-ARF Yak-55 SP
(2.6m span)
(above) Pass rudder cable thru’
crimping tubes 2 times for safety,
and prevent the quick-links from
opening by putting small pieces of
tubing over them.
(above) Rudder horn roughed up
with coarse sandpaper. Glue in
with slow epoxy and milled fibre.
(below) JR8411 Rudder servos
installed in the milled plywood
plate, using the 2.8mm Ø sheet
metal screws supplied.