Operation and Use
AF0118 | 2018-03-27
There are two areas for holding the detector in place to safely bag or unbag
the detector.
One shelf is inside the detector bin. The detector can be partially
lifted from the bin (about three-quarters of the way out) and held in
place while a bag is put on or taken off.
Another shelf is at the bottom of the monitor, below the handle
assembly. The detector can be leaned against the side of the shelf and
handle assembly, while the bag is put on or taken off.
Detector positioned for
Bag partially applied
Secondary position
Storage for
detector bags
Storage space is provided for detector bags. Protective bags can be used to
cover the detector during patient exams. Clean bags may reduce the
possibility of spreading contaminants between patients.
A touchscreen, 39.6 cm (15.6 in.), is permanently positioned on top of the
The monitor displays the PC-based software application that manages image
acquisition, manipulation, and delivery in a health network.
The monitor displays the detector battery life so the operator can see if the
detector has enough battery charge prior to acquiring an image.
Tube head
The tube head assembly is the entire unit located at the end of the arm. It
includes the X-ray tube and “tusk” handles on the collimator, and the
collimator assembly.
The tube head assembly must be docked when the cart is being driven. If it is
undocked the cart can be moved using the brake release button in the tube
head handle, but only for fine adjustments.
USB connectors
USB connectors are located on the right-hand side of the cart. If the network
is not functioning, an image can be delivered from the DRX-Revolution Nano
to a PACS using a USB device.
No externally-powered devices are to be connected to any cart USB Ports.