Product Description
AF0118 | 2018-03-27
source. The battery drawer is field-removable with the use of a tool. Only trained
service personnel are to remove the battery tray
The battery life allows for taking up to 40 exposures without charging. This assumes
fully-charged batteries and various techniques.
In order to ensure that the cart is always ready to take images, it should be placed on charge
whenever it is not in use.
Shutting down the system using the power button conserves system batteries.
The low profile arm allows for:
Visibility while driving.
Access to confined spaces.
The transport system is designed for movement and maneuverability. It can be
driven on surfaces typical to hospital environments at safe walking speed (around
1.5 m/s) with the tube head docked.
The system should not be operated at speeds above safe walking speed (around 1.5 m/s).
The brakes are electronically released by the brake release buttons integrated in the
handles. In case of no power, a lever situated near the kickplate allows for manually
disengaging the brakes.
An “inch” feature allows the position of the system to be adjusted while the tube head
is deployed.
Main Battery Charging
The main battery bank is designed to charge from a normal domestic power supply,
i.e., 100 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 11– 5.5 A mains power supply.
Charge time to fully charge a battery tray is typically less than two hours and at most
four hours. Battery charging status is indicated via an LED array on the monitor
assembly frame.