4.2 Program selection
Three different programs are available for
selection: Alternating, Pulsating or Constant
low pressure mode. We recommend Alternating
mode as the basic setting.
There is a further program called Maximum
Pressure. This mode is used when nursing the
user, shifting the user’s position or moving the
user in or out of bed.
See section 2.3 for more detailed information.
4.2.1 Selected settings
The current selected settings are always shown in the program
symbols on the main menu. In the example above, the settings are
‘Alternating – 10 minutes’.
On the program menu, the settings are displayed with an orange
frame around the selected setting. In the example above, the set‐
tings are ‘Pulsating – 25 minutes’.
4.3 Comfort settings, fine settings
The air pressure in the mattress can be adjusted
in three stages: a basic setting set by the control
unit (0) according to the user’s weight, which can
be increased in two stages (+1 or +2) according to
the user’s wishes.
When only parts of the mattress are under load – for
example, in the case of amputees – it may be necessary to
raise the setting using the comfort settings.
The selected setting is shown on the main menu and the
comfort menu surrounded by an orange frame. See 4.2.1
4.4 Hand check (function control)
The hand check is used to ensure that the mattress is
working properly.
This must be performed regularly; we recommend once per
shift, or every eight hours.
Open the cover and insert a hand between the upper cells
beneath the user’s pelvic region (centre of the mattress).
Check to ensure that there is a gap to the underlying
mattress so that the user does not ‘bottom out’. We
recommend a gap of one or two finger widths. If the gap is
too small, try a restart. See section 8 Troubleshooting.
4.5 CPR
In case of an emergency where CPR (cardiopulmonary resus‐
citation) is necessary,
remove the connection
(marked ‘CPR’) from the
control unit in order to empty
the mattress of air quickly.
4.6 Notifications
Different notifications exists
based on how serious the
warning is:
Major Notification:
The error is of great significance for operation or function
and the control unit will indicate an error by notifying with
information on the display, light and sound.
After 10 min, the frequency of how often the notification
sound is reduced if it is not acknowledged. Information on
the type of error is shown in the display, see notification
types below. Major notifications cannot be acknowledged
(disabled) without rectifying the error. The sound can be
silenced temporarily via the function button but will return
after approx. 5 min unless the error is rectified.
In the event of a power failure and high system tempera‐
tures, information is not shown in the display, instead sound
and light notify using the function button until the power is
used up.