This is a fully automatic battery charger with 7 charge stages.
Automatic charging protects your battery from being overcharged�
So you can leave the charger connected to the battery indefinitely�
7-stage charging is a very comprehensive and accurate charging process
that gives your battery longer life and better performance compared to using
traditional chargers�
7-stage chargers are suitable for most battery types including GEL, AGM,
WET batteries� They may also help restore drained and sulphated batteries�
The 7 stages are:
the desulphation stage may break down sulphation that
occurs in batteries that have been left flat for extended periods of time,
returning them back to full charge� Sulphation occurs when lead-sulphate
hardens and clogs up to battery cells�
Soft start:
A preliminary charge processes that gently introduces power to
the battery� this protects the battery and increase battery life�
Bulk charge:
charging wlth maximum current until approximately 80% bat-
tery capacity� Absorption: charging with declining current to maximize up to
100% battery capacity�
charging with declining current to maximize up to 100% battery
Battery test:
tests the battery whether can save power, if unable battery
may need replacing�
choose the recond program to add the recond step to the
charging process� During the recond step voltage increases to create con-
trolled gasing in the battery� Gasing mixes the battery acid and gives back
energy to the battery�
the float stage maintains the battery at 100% charge without over-
charging or damagjng the battery� This means the charger can be left
connected to the battery indefinitely� The battery charger has an 7 – 5 stage
fully automatic charging curve, the cycle is repeated infinitely� lf the terminal
voltage drops below a lower limit, the charger automatically goes back to the
begjnning of the charging curve�
| Smart Battery Charger 80283 | 80284 | 80285