Instruction manual CR9228
Please keep this instruction manual for future reference
Combustible Surfaces
Any adjoining wall surface must be 150mm minimum distance from the appliance. Make sure there is a minimum of 650mm
between the hob and shelves, hoods or extraction that may be installed directly above the hob. If the instructions supplied
with the hood advise a greater distance, follow the distance specified by the hood manufacturer.
Zero clearance is permitted on the side and rear adjoining surfaces below the maintop.
Anti-tilting chain
The cooker is supplied with an anti-tilting chain to prevent the appliance from tilting forward and causing accidental damage
to the gas pipe. Make a hole in the wall behind, at the same height as the fixing chain. Insert the plug into the hole and
then screw in the hook until it is firmly fixed to the wall. Fix the chain to the hook. You can adjust to level of the cooker by
inserting the feet provided.
Make sure the anti-tilting chains are taught when anchored to prevent the appliance tilting.
Electrical connection
- The appliance is supplied with a power cord fitted.
- The supply cable should be positioned so that it does not reach a temperature of more than 75°C along its entire length.
- Connect the cable directly to the mains, connection to the electricity supply must be made by an authorised person in
accordance with the wiring rules. The installation must include a suitable isolating switch with a minimum contact opening
of 3mm between the appliance and the mains. The isolating switch should be sized according to the load on the rating
plate and should comply with current regulations (the earth wire should not be interrupted by the circuit breaker).
- Before making the connection check:
The switch, wiring and electrical system can support the appliance load (see rating plate)
The power supply system has an efficient earthing connection which complies with the provisions of current
The power outlet or omni-polar circuit-breaker is easily accessible once the cooker has been installed.
Power cord size is 4mm
- We recommend that the appliance is connected by a qualified electrician, who is a member of the N.I.C.E.I.C and who will
comply with the I.E.T and local regulations.
- This appliance is intended to be connected to fixed wiring and is not suitable for connection to a 13A plug or 13A supply
min 650
min 150
CR9228 - Instruction Manual.indd 20
27/04/2017 10:39