Grand Soleil 50’
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Accelerator/reverse gear single-lever control
This lever functions both as accelerator and at the same time as reverse gear,
depending on whether you push it ahead (ahead motion) or abaft (backwards
The remote control installed is a three-position type, with the following functions:
SAFETY POSITION: with the control lever blocked in vertical position, it is neither possible to
accelerate, nor to put the engine in reverse.
ENGINE IN NEUTRAL: to put the engine in neutral pull out, horizontally, the control lever
central hub. In this position, you can accelerate both rotating the
lever forward and backwards, having the possibility to start and
warm up the engine. Taking back the lever from the accelerating
to the vertical position, the engine will be back in neutral, idling.
ENGINE IN GEAR: to put the engine in gear, while it is
running, lift the black upper part of the handle and rotate the
lever forward, for the forward gear, or backwards, for the
The two cables allowing to accelerate the engine and to put it in reverse come out of the
remote control. They must be straight, with no excessive bends, in order to work properly.
It is then advisable not to stow any object or material in the starboard aft peak, in order not
to bend the cables.
We recommend you to consult the remote control use and maintenance manual
provided by the manufacturer and delivered separately.
Engine starting
The following directions do not replace the instructions provided in the
manufacturer’s use and maintenance manual, delivered separately.
The engine is started by the starter, which is supplied by the engine battery or, when the
heavy duty battery switch is in BOTH position, by all batteries.
The battery for the engine starting, of 12 Vdc, 70 Ah and 680 A of charging current, is
located beside the other batteries, under the starboard aft cabin bed surface, and is the
farthest from the engine room.