Grand Soleil 50’
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Hatches and portholes
Before locking them, it is advisable to grease their gaskets with Vaseline. It will be easier to open
them again.
It is also advisable to darken the inside of the boat, as the light could deteriorate the tone of the
wooden furniture, upholstery and other furniture in general.
If the boat is hauled, it is fundamental to remove the seaweeds and barnacles with a water pressure
We advise you to immediately remove the zinc parts, before the screws become oxidized blocks.
The grounding plates, the propeller, the propeller shaft support, the seacocks and the
scuppers have to be brushed with an iron brush.
Bilge pumps
If the boat stays afloat, not using them could be risky:
grease the outside of them to prevent oxidation;
make them work with slightly warm fresh water, to melt the salt crystals;
check and grease the impellers or the rubber membranes.
If the boat is hauled:
protect the external parts;
make them work with fresh water;
remove the impeller, grease it and leave it outside the pump.
In case of a membrane pump, make it suck an emulsion of water and Vaseline oil.
Whether it is hauled or afloat, it is advisable to protect the hull applying a special polish. There
are many products available: you should prefer those making the surfaces more watertight and less
porous, rather than simple cleaners. Use silicone based products, as they protect better the hull
against the dirt and the acid substances typical of harbours.
If the hull is coloured, bear in mind that both the gel coat and the dark paint tend to lose their
brightness and pigment as the years go by. In this case, it is advisable to protect the sides from
the ultraviolet rays with robust tarpaulins.