Canovate Elk.End.Tic.A.S
2- Environmental Monitoring
Navigate to “
Environmental Monitoring
”, then “
Users can monitor status of connected sensors from this section. To view the sensor status, first enable monito
ring for corresponding sensor in Configuration section.
By default, one temperature and humidity sensor is automatically recognized once plugged.
3- Power Monitoring
Navigate to “
Power Monitoring
”, then “
Energy Meter Feeds
You can monitor voltage (Volt), current (Ampere), power (Kw) and energy measurements from this screen.
For Temperature & Humidity sensors, graph will automatically be generated.
It only shows values for last 2 hours.
Users may right-click on graph and save it as picture.
In general, monitoring in broader scope is done by dedicated environmental monitoring units, with which our
IP-PDU can integrate over SNMP protocol.