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Summary of Contents for Sure shot 85 zoom

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Page 2: ...Canon SURE SHOT 85ra n E Engtish El rspanol tr E g E PRIMA fl rrangais p eortugucs ...

Page 3: ...ivehumidity 3 Do notattemptto disassemble the camerayourself sincethereis high voltage circuitryinside 4 The batteries may explodeor causeburnsif disassembled recharged shorted exposedto high temperatures or disposedof in a fire 5 Usea blowerbrushto removedustand sandfrom the lensand insidethe camera Do not applyany fluidsto thelens or body Takethe camerato an authorized Canonservicefacilityfor a ...

Page 4: ...e inslructions may cause harmlul interference lo radiocommunicatons However lhere is no guaranteethat interference will not occur in a particular inslallalion lf this equipmentdoes cause harmiul nlerference lo radioor lelevisionreception whichcan be delerminedby turningthe equipmentotl and on lhe user is encouraged to try to correclthe inledercnceby one or moreof the lollowingmeasures Fleo ent or ...

Page 5: ...f f Warnings you shouldobservewhen usingthe i r camera I i H Additional information on usingthe camera i i q J i O Tipson takingphotographs with the camera i 1 Introduction Handling Precautions Tableof Contents QuickReference Nomenclature Attaching the Strap t Basic Operations Becoming Familiar withYourCamera E Loading theBattery E Turning thePower OnandOff Checking theBattery Power E V i e w f i ...

Page 6: ...c t i o n 3 0 R e d e y e R e d u c t i o n F u n c t i o n 3 1 E l F l a s n O N M o d e 3 2 E F l a s h O F F M o d e 3 3 E Gtr RealTimeReleaseMode 34 E S S e t t t i m e r M o d e 3 6 S l o w s y n c h r o F u n c t i o n 3 7 AdditionalInformation T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g 3 8 QuestionsandAnswers 39 S p e c i f i c a t i o n s 4 0 tr 4 Pleasenotethattheseinstructions aretor boththe modelwit...

Page 7: ...ndicated by f 1 Load the battery 1 1 2 Load the film 18 3 Pull the film tip across until it reachesthe mark Then close the back cover 18 4 Turn the mode dial to ireD 12 I The poweris turnedon andthe lensis set tr o www orphancameras com ...

Page 8: ...tly press the shutter button halfway down 16 Ke pthe shutterbutton pressedhalfwaydown Checkthatthe green indicator is litandthen composethe picture 7 Press the shutter button fully 16 In low light the flashfires automatically 8 When the film has finished and rewound remove the film 23 El t ...

Page 9: ...n 16 AF LightEmitter Lens ill Zoom in Telephoto Button 15 lTlillssrn eu1 Wide angle Button 15 l is shofthandfor Seepage I Metering Window AF LightReceptor Mode Dial 29 Red eyeReduction Self timerLamp 31 36 tr s www orphancameras com ...

Page 10: ...iewfinder 14 Battery Cover 11 OrangeIndicator 22 Greenlndicator 22 FilmCheckWindow SETButton ftrI 27 BackCover Latch StrapHolder 1o O FilmRewind Button 23 TripodSocket StrapClasp SELECT Button 27 MODEButton 26 tr q ...

Page 11: ...refulnotto droothe Camera Pass the strap through the strap holder on the side of the camera FollowstepO beforestep Push button release Usethisbuttonto pressthe SELECTand SETbuttons 27 and the O button 23 Button on strap clasp E to www orphancameras com ...

Page 12: ...into the slot 2 Load the battery Alignthe and terminalscorrectlyand insertthe batterytop end first 3 Close the battery cover Closethe coveruntilit clicks E is displayedon the LCDpanel I The datedisplayis reset to 94 1 1 Readjustto the correct date time 27 When removingthe old battery pullthe bottom end out first E tt ...

Page 13: ...dialto any mode except GB I The lensis set for shooting irl 1 I il i i lEl The lensfirstzoomsto the full wide 38mm position i i lf the lensis notset for shooting checkto see if the i il 1 l _T l lt j Turning the Power Off Toprotect thelens besuretoturnoffthecamera Turn the mode dial to GE lThe lensretractsintothe camera El tz www orphancameras com ...

Page 14: ...ntheLCDpanel BatteryCheck Indicator FrameCounter BatteryGheck Indicator E Battery ingoodcondition E Prepare a newbattery ift Replace thebattery 11 Shootingcapacity Approx 17 rollsof 24 exposure film at normal temperatures with50 flashuse Databasedon Canon s StandardTestMethod E t tr ...

Page 15: ...e withinthisframe Close upframe Whenthe shooting distance is between0 6 and 1 m Q and 3 3ft composeyour picturewithinthisframe The areaabovethisframewillnot be included in the oicture AF frame Placethisframeoverthe subjectyou wishto focuson El t www orphancameras com ...

Page 16: ...n Wide angle Telephoto Pressfor a widearea Pressto zoom in on image Fortaking yoursubject For landscapes group takingportraits etc pictures etc i m li t bn remaid rdd d 6 p A i rteJ l i IJJ without use thelensautomatically retracts intothe i i camera andissettothewide angle 38mm position i i I f ql_ _ygll _ d rase to thelens _ __ j El ts ...

Page 17: ...he shutter button fully to take the picture t The shutteris released Be sureto pressthe shutterbuttongently i Jr Tffi i t r il1 i il td h ii I i rt buttonbeingpressedandthe shutteroperating As a i i generalguide it is bestto holdthe camerastilluntil i i you hearthe film startto wind fonruard i I oInAuto mode AUTO the shutteroperatesabout 1 i i secondafterthe red eyereductionlamp lights i it 6 www ...

Page 18: ...ot move Holdthe camerawith both hands Ke pyour elbowscloseto yourbody Holdthe cameraagainstyour noseand lookthroughthe viewfinder Be carefulto keepfingers and hairfromobstructing the lens AF lightemitterand receptor meteringwindoq and flash AF lightemitter Meteringwindow El n ...

Page 19: ... Use DX coded35mmfilm 1 Slidethe back cover latch downwards I The backcoveropens 2 lnsertthe film 3 Pull the film tip across until it reachesthe mark Makesurethefilmlies flat E ts www orphancameras com ...

Page 20: ...links in the frame counter the filmhas not loadedproperly Reloadthe film lf the cameramalfunctions whilea filmis loaded do not removethe film Take the camerato a Canonservicefacility withthe film stillinside lf you forcethe filmout of the camera the camera or filmmay be damaged We recommend you use ISO400 film E tq ...

Page 21: ... The poweris turnedon and the lensis set for shooting 2 Changethe subject size as desired Lookthroughthe viewfinder and pressthe zoombuttonto achieve the desiredpicture composition 3 Position the AF frame over the subject and press the shutter button halfway Ke pthe shutterbutton halfwaypressed Makesurethe green indicator is lit Composethe picture El zo www orphancameras com ...

Page 22: ...4 Press the shutter button fully In lowlightconditions the flashfiresautomatically El zr ...

Page 23: ...ectis in focus Readyfor shooting Blinks Subjectis too close close range warnrng Releasethe shutterbuttonand move awayfromthe subjectslightly then pressthe shutterbuttonhalfwayagain andcheckif the greenindicator blinks Repeatthisstepuntilthe green indicator doesnotblink Orange indicator Lightsup Flashlampis charged Blinks Camerashakewarning in Flash OFF mode We recommend you usea tripod El zz www o...

Page 24: ...the back cover latch downwards t The backcoverooens 2 Removethe film Rewinding the film in mid roll Pressthe O buttonon the bottom ofthecamera Usethe push button release on the srrap i e 6 p i s th b to rcm th iil l i It be sureio checkthat 0 is displayed in the frame I j ornter lf 0 is not displayed pressthe O button I i to completerewinding i I Exposures takenafterthoseindicated on the filmrolli...

Page 25: ...he shutterbutton halfwaypressed Makesurethe green indicator is lit 2 With the shutter button halfway pressed frame your picture as desired Then press the shutter button fully i Jl A at h G1odffi ilh i br t b r f l i t not to changethe distancebetweenthe subjectand i i the camera lf the distancedoes change repeat i L _t_ _ 1_ 1 12_ i El z www orphancameras com ...

Page 26: ...eson the subjectevenif it is not in the centerof the viewfinder or if thereis an obstruction in front of it The camerawill accurately focus on two subjects positioned sideby side and noton the background betweenthem lf you are takinga picture througha window set the cameraat an appropriate angle with a camera to windowdistanceof about 2Qcm 0 7ft lf you are too far awayfrom the window the camera ma...

Page 27: ...display changes every timeyoupress nFt 5 JT yonth Day Ffi iE i5 JcDaV Hour Minute Imprintingconfirmation indicator 1 Nodisplay 4 gFil 57 J t tlDayNear lfi nE DaylMonth Year Selectone of the above formats thentakethe picture i l Til fiil fiiilift ifi ti6i inAilatdiirilffi ilffi l i l J the shutteroperatesto notifyyou that the date is i t l ilg irryiI9q 9 ll l t o9r i El a r ll O REC f l w Monthindi...

Page 28: ... M0Df 1 SELECTSET o o 2 Pressthe SELECTbutton Pressuntilthe digitto be correctedblinks M ODEI SELECTSET soe 3 Press the SET button Changethe digitto the onedesired f _ l5t 5t4l MODE SELECT SET t o 4 Press the SELECTbutton until all digits stop blinking l M l 18 5 j i m u thtpu h fiiion er iJi tht il p i i lJl Eachtimethe SET buttonis pressed the number i i increases by one lf keptpressed the numbe...

Page 29: ...ethe modesuitablefor the subjector placeyou are shooting Auto FlashModewith Red eye Reduction 30 AUT Poweroff AutoFlash Modewithout Red eye Reduction 29 Flash OFF Mode 33 32 Turn the mode dial to select the mode Self timer Mode El zs www orphancameras com ...

Page 30: ... reduction function Use thismode fortaking pictures without peopie or if you want toshootright away tr I ii Turn the mode dial to GUreD FlashDistanceRange With color print film Filmspeed 38mm Wide angle 85mm Telephoto rso100 0 6to 5 3m 2 to 17 4tI 0 6to 2 5m 2 to 8 2ft lso 400 0 6to 10 6m 2 to 34 8ft 0 6 t o 5 m 2to 16 4ft El zs ...

Page 31: ...e red eye reduction lamp automatically lightsbeforethe flashfires 1 Turnthe mode dial to OAuro ffi _f 2 Stay within about 2 m 6 6 ft of your subject The red eyereduction lampis onlyeffective withinthisdistance 3 Tell your subject to look at the camera The red eyereduction functionis not effective unlessthe subjectlooks straight at the lamp El o www orphancameras com ...

Page 32: called red eye and occurs whenflashillumination reflects offthe retina Inred eye reduction mode AUTO the red eyereduction lamplightsfor about l secondbeforethe flashis fired This causes the pupilsof the subject s eyesto contractand minimizes the likelihood of red eyeoccurring Theefficacy of the red eyereduction function variesfrom person to person m m td J t A ti 6 i lit h rJ l i lJl releaseis ...

Page 33: ...hooting Mode tr I FlashONMode Theflashfiresregardless of the lightconditions Usethismodeforfill in flashduringthe day or to softenthe outlineof the subject E T1 U fo Turn the mode dial to EI zz www orphancameras com ...

Page 34: ...E Flash OFF Mode The flashwillnotfireevenin lowlightconditions Use thismodewhereflashphotography is prohibited fornight views or for available light photography tr X t w Turn the mode dial to t E ...

Page 35: ...3seconds Usethis modefor situations suchas photographs of rapidmovementor children s faceswherean instant cameraresponseis essential 1 Turnthe mode dial to Et 2 Position the AF frame over the subject and hold the shutter button down halfway The cameramakesa brief zooming sound Makesurethe green indicator is lit Photographs usingfocus lockcan be takenin the sameway as in normal photography 24 i I I...

Page 36: ...e you want press the shutter button fully i m Because auto focusing isautomiiiiitttseiio t I i ul point inthecenter oftheviewfinder position theAF i j frameoverthe subject i Theflashmodefor realtime releaseis autoflash i i ry9 yll 911i 9 9y9 t99_19 t _______ I 7 El s ...

Page 37: ...forethe shutteris released The numberof seconds remaining is displayed on the LCDpanel i f f Do not standin frontof the camerawhenpressing I Qt the shrrtter button Thiswillcauseincorrect focus the shutterbutton Thiswillcauseincorrect focus i i i ti il il t6 ilT i i l I ne lam P O llllKS t llor e ra Plu ly a PPlu llllcrtEly twu lfj secondsbeforethe shutteris released However if O g l 9 L r l l J g ...

Page 38: ...n eveningor nightviewswhen thebackground is dark The slowershutterspeed allows distantbackgrounds not illuminated by the flash to be includedin the photograph Theself timer operatesautomatically withthe slow synchro functionin low lightconditions i l ilbil il J6 i tt l i I i lrt set in this mode Also tellyoursubjectto keep i L tlgi 1i 1lg TlT Tlr3 1 i EI zt ...

Page 39: ...yafter red eyereduction lampis litfor about1 secono Selecta modewith the modedial suitable forthe subjector placeyou are shooting Replacethe battery Reloadthe film correctly Removethe film and loada new one Keeppresseduntil the shutteris released Changethe flash mooe 12 28 1 1 1 8 23 18 31 28 The photographs are blurred Whenthe shutterwas released the AF light emitterand receotor were blocked In s...

Page 40: ...igherthe number the moresensitive the film is to light Forordinary photography ISO400 film is recommended Canfilmsotherthan DX coded35mmfilmsbe used Yestheycan but non DX coded filmsare automatically registered as ISO 25 For ISO25 filmsand non DX coded film loadthefilmand closethe backcover Pressthe shutterbutton onceor twice The dateimprinted on the photograph is difficult to read ls this because...

Page 41: ...ngrewinding Film Loaded Verification Filmwindowon back cover Self timer Electronically controlled 1O second delaytimer activatedby pressingthe shutterbutton The self timerlamp blinksandthe framecountercountsdownthe remaining seconds MeteringRange lSO 100 Auto FlashON modes Wide 1 36t 4 2lo 1 500f 16 approx EV9 3to EVI7 Tele 1 83l 8 7lo 1 500f 34 approx EV12 6to EV19 2 FlashOFF mode Wide 2 sec t 4 ...

Page 42: ...centerfocusing releasetime lag of 0 03 sec PowerSupply One lithiumbattery DL123A or CR123A 3V ShootingCapacity Approx 17 rollsot 24 exp film at normal temperatures with 50 flash use D i m e n s i o n s W x H x D Modelwithoutdate 123x 64 x 4 l 8 mm 4 8x 2 5 x 1 6in Modelwithdate 123x 64 x 46 mm 4 8x 2 5 x 1 8in Weight withoutcamerabattery Modelwithoutdate 215 g 7 6oz Modelwith date 225 g 7 9oz E Ty...
