Canon PowerShot A570IS - PowerShot A570 IS Digital... Software Starter Manual Download Page 52

Using the Software on the Macintosh Platform – The Basics


Printing Images




























































One Photo per page Print























































Select the images to print.




























































Click [Print] and select [One Photo per 
page Print].

Movies cannot be printed, but you can print stills after they have been 
extracted from movies and saved to files. 

Selecting [Index Print] allows you to print the thumbnails and shooting 
information in a chart.
Selecting [Layout Print] allows you to layout and print multiple images on 
a single sheet of paper.

A blue frame 
displays around 
selected images.

Summary of Contents for PowerShot A570IS - PowerShot A570 IS Digital...

Page 1: ... you use certain operating system software p 82 Excludes Windows 2000 Software Starter Guide For the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk Version 30 CDI E303 010 xx04xxxx Å2007ÅCANONÅINC PRINTEDÅINÅJAPAN ENGLISH Windows Macintosh You must install the software bundled on the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk before connecting the camera to the computer Install the software Connect the camera to the ...

Page 2: ...ectly Warnings DoÅnotÅplayÅtheÅsuppliedÅCD ROM s ÅinÅanyÅCDÅplayerÅthatÅdoesÅnotÅsupportÅdataÅCD ROMs ÅPlayingÅtheÅCD ROM s ÅinÅanÅaudioÅCDÅplayerÅ musicÅplayer ÅcouldÅdamageÅtheÅ speakers ÅItÅisÅalsoÅpossibleÅtoÅsufferÅfromÅhearingÅlossÅfromÅlisteningÅwithÅheadphonesÅtoÅ theÅloudÅsoundsÅofÅaÅCD ROMÅplayedÅonÅaÅmusicÅCDÅplayer Disclaimer WhileÅeveryÅeffortÅhasÅbeenÅmadeÅtoÅensureÅthatÅtheÅinformat...

Page 3: ... Platform The Basics 16 Downloading Images to the Computer 16 Printing Images 21 Using the Software on the Windows Platform Advanced Techniques 24 The ZoomBrowser EX Windows 24 ZoomBrowser EX Features 30 Replaying Movies 33 Editing Movies 34 Operating the Shutter Remotely Remote Shooting 35 Merging Panoramic Images PhotoStitch 38 Enjoy Customizing Your Camera with the My Camera Settings 39 Using t...

Page 4: ...e PDF Manuals TheÅfollowingÅPDF formatÅmanualsÅ hereafterÅPDFÅmanuals ÅareÅprovidedÅtoÅ explainÅtheÅfeaturesÅandÅproceduresÅforÅusingÅZoomBrowserÅEXÅandÅ ImageBrowser ZoomBrowserÅEXÅSoftwareÅUserÅGuideÅ Windows ImageBrowserÅSoftwareÅUserÅGuideÅ Macintosh Adobe Reader must be installed to read the aforementioned PDF manuals ÅIf one of these applications is not already installed on your computer dow...

Page 5: ...puterÅsystemÅconfigurationsÅrequiredÅtoÅuseÅtheÅsoftware About this Guide TheÅexplanationsÅinÅthisÅguideÅareÅbasedÅonÅWindowsÅXPÅandÅMacÅOSÅXÅv10 3 ÅIfÅyouÅareÅ usingÅanotherÅversionÅofÅtheseÅoperatingÅsystems ÅtheÅactualÅscreenÅcontentsÅandÅ proceduresÅmayÅvaryÅslightlyÅfromÅthoseÅshown TheÅfollowingÅtermsÅareÅusedÅinÅthisÅguide MacÅOSÅXÅisÅusedÅforÅMacÅOSÅXÅ v10 3 v10 4 Å ...

Page 6: ...Simple Make Prints Right at Home Like a Pro SeeÅyourÅCamera UserÅGuideÅforÅshootingÅinstructions JustÅinstallÅtheÅsoftwareÅonceÅatÅtheÅbeginning Shoot the images Install the software on the computer WindowsÅ p 11 MacintoshÅ p 44 ...

Page 7: Print the images Connect the camera to the computer WindowsÅ p 16 MacintoshÅ p 46 WindowsÅ p 21 MacintoshÅ p 50 PrecautionsÅforÅ ConnectingÅtheÅ CameraÅtoÅtheÅ ComputerÅ p 10 SeeÅyourÅCamera UserÅGuideÅforÅconnectingÅinstructions ...

Page 8: ...eÅinÅZoomBrowserÅEXÅ Windows ÅandÅImageBrowserÅ Macintosh ÅTheÅexamplesÅshownÅareÅfromÅZoomBrowserÅEXÅ Windows Stitch a Panorama Together CreateÅaÅpanoramicÅimageÅfromÅaÅseriesÅofÅimagesÅwithÅPhotoStitch Å Confirm all your images in one glance with index contact sheet printing With One Photo per Page Print printing images is also easy ...

Page 9: ...ÅfromÅtheÅcomputerÅtoÅshootÅimagesÅ RemoteÅShooting ÅTheÅrecordedÅimagesÅareÅ downloadedÅdirectlyÅtoÅtheÅcomputer Å Edit a Movie YouÅcanÅeditÅmovies ÅlinkingÅmoviesÅandÅstillsÅthatÅhaveÅbeenÅdownloadedÅtoÅtheÅcomputer Å addingÅtext ÅsuchÅasÅtitles ÅaddingÅbackgroundÅmusicÅorÅapplyingÅvariousÅspecialÅeffects Å Extract Stills from Movies YouÅcanÅextractÅaÅstillÅfromÅtheÅdisplayedÅmovieÅandÅsaveÅitÅa...

Page 10: RAM WindowsÅ2000 WindowsÅXP 256ÅMBÅorÅmore WindowsÅVista 512ÅMBÅorÅmore Interface USB Free Hard Disk Space CanonÅUtilities ÅZoomBrowserÅEX Å 200ÅMBÅorÅmoreÅ ÅPhotoStitch Å 40ÅMBÅorÅmore CanonÅCameraÅTWAINÅDriver Å 25ÅMBÅorÅmore Display 1 024ÅxÅ768Åpixels HighÅColorÅ 16Åbit ÅorÅbetter OS MacÅOSÅXÅ v10 3 v10 4 Computer Model TheÅaboveÅOSÅshouldÅbeÅpre installedÅonÅcomputersÅwithÅbuilt inÅUSBÅ por...

Page 11: ... to save images merged with PhotoStitch as QuickTime VR images It is also required to play and edit movies on the Windows 2000 platform Macintosh software cannot be used on disks formatted in the UFS Unix File System format Compatible OS Windows 2000 Windows XP 2 Windows Vista 2 Major Functions Program ZoomBrowser EX Downloading Ådisplaying Å organizingÅandÅeditingÅ imagesÅ TWAIN Driver DriverÅfor...

Page 12: ...oÅstandbyÅ sleep ÅmodeÅwhileÅaÅcameraÅisÅconnectedÅviaÅ theÅUSBÅinterfaceÅcable ÅIfÅitÅdoesÅhappen ÅneverÅdisconnectÅtheÅinterfaceÅcable ÅTryÅtoÅawakenÅ theÅcomputerÅwithÅtheÅcameraÅinÅtheÅconnectedÅstate ÅSomeÅcomputersÅwillÅnotÅawakenÅ properlyÅifÅyouÅdisconnectÅtheÅcameraÅwhileÅtheyÅareÅinÅstandbyÅ sleep Åmode ÅPleaseÅreferÅtoÅ yourÅcomputerÅmanualÅforÅinstructionsÅregardingÅtheÅstandbyÅ sleep ...

Page 13: ...olutionÅDisk Items to Prepare YourÅcameraÅandÅcomputer CanonÅDigitalÅCameraÅSolutionÅDisk InterfaceÅcableÅsuppliedÅwithÅtheÅcamera Installation Procedures 1 Confirm that the camera is NOT connected to the computer IfÅitÅis ÅdisconnectÅtheÅcable ÅTheÅsoftwareÅcannotÅ beÅproperlyÅinstalledÅifÅtheÅcameraÅisÅconnectedÅtoÅ theÅcomputerÅatÅtheÅstart 2 Close any programs that are running You must install...

Page 14: ...wingÅproceduresÅtoÅdisplayÅtheÅinstallerÅpanelÅifÅitÅdoesÅnotÅappearÅ automatically Windows Vista 1 SelectÅ Computer ÅfromÅtheÅ Start Åmenu 2 Right clickÅtheÅCD ROMÅiconÅandÅselectÅ Open 3 Double clickÅtheÅ SETUP EXE Å Åicon 4 WhenÅ UserÅAccountÅControl ÅwindowÅdisplays ÅfollowÅtheÅon screenÅinstructionsÅtoÅ proceed Windows XP 1 SelectÅ MyÅComputer ÅfromÅtheÅ Start Åmenu 2 Right clickÅtheÅCD ROMÅi...

Page 15: ...installationÅwillÅstart FollowÅtheÅon screenÅinstructionsÅtoÅ proceedÅwithÅtheÅinstallation When Custom Installation is Selected with Windows 2000 The USB driver the software for connecting is required when the camera is connected to the computer with an interface cable Ensure that you select the USB driver Canon Camera TWAIN Driver With Windows Vista and Windows XP the USB driver supplied with th...

Page 16: ...ncludesÅtheÅsoftwareÅinstallation Å ContinueÅbyÅconnectingÅtheÅcameraÅtoÅtheÅcomputerÅsoÅ thatÅtheÅUSBÅdriverÅcanÅbeÅutilized Å 10 Attach the camera to the computer with the interface cable and set the camera to the correct mode for connecting If you installed a USB driver so far the required files have only been copied to your computer You must now connect the camera to the computer with the inte...

Page 17: ...ÅyouÅareÅpromptedÅtoÅdoÅsoÅbyÅaÅ message AÅdialogÅallowingÅyouÅtoÅsetÅtheÅdefaultÅsettingsÅwillÅdisplayÅafterÅinstallation ÅSeeÅUsing the Software on the Windows Platform The BasicsÅ p 16 ÅforÅtheÅsubsequentÅ procedures ThisÅconcludesÅtheÅsoftwareÅandÅUSBÅdriverÅinstallationÅandÅtheÅproceduresÅforÅconnectingÅtheÅ cameraÅtoÅtheÅcomputer YouÅmayÅnowÅdownloadÅcameraÅimagesÅtoÅtheÅcomputerÅ p 16 Å If ...

Page 18: ...cameraÅtoÅcomputerÅconnectionÅ seeÅbelow ÅorÅ aÅmemoryÅcardÅreaderÅ p 19 Å Camera to Computer Connection 1 Attach the supplied interface cable to the computer s USB port and the camera s DIGITAL Terminal Prepare the camera for communication with the computer TheÅCameraÅControlÅWindowÅwillÅappear Camera Control Window You may not be able to download images when the camera is connected to a computer...

Page 19: ...t Time Camera is Connected to a Computer SetÅtheÅfollowingÅsettingsÅtheÅfirstÅtimeÅyouÅconnectÅtheÅcameraÅtoÅtheÅcomputer ÅTheseÅ proceduresÅareÅnotÅrequiredÅfromÅtheÅsecondÅconnectionÅonward SelectÅ CanonÅCameraWindow ÅwhenÅaÅ dialogÅ EventsÅdialog ÅsimilarÅtoÅthatÅonÅ theÅrightÅdisplaysÅandÅclickÅ OK Your camera model name or Canon Camera will appear here Different programs may display according...

Page 20: ...tion the Print Share button will light if your camera is equipped with one See the Camera User Guide for instructions regarding Direct Transfer settings and procedures By default all the images that have yet to be downloaded will download to the Pictures or My Pictures folder To download images that have had their transfer settings set with the camera click Preferences and select Images whose tran...

Page 21: ...versions of the downloaded images display in the Main Window when the downloading is complete Next ÅprintÅoutÅtheÅimagesÅ p 21 Å Memory Card Reader Connection 1 Insert the memory card into the reader UseÅaÅseparatelyÅsoldÅcardÅadapterÅifÅrequired SeeÅtheÅmanualÅforÅtheÅmemoryÅcardÅreaderÅforÅitsÅconnectionÅandÅhandlingÅinstructions 2 Select View Download Images using Canon CameraWindow when the di...

Page 22: ...Next ÅprintÅoutÅtheÅimagesÅ p 21 Å By default all the images that have yet to be downloaded will download to the Pictures or My Pictures folder To download images that have had their transfer settings set with the camera click Preferences and select Images whose transfer settings were specified with the camera as the image type to be downloaded Click Lets you select and download images to show the...

Page 23: ...ills after they have been extracted from movies and saved to files To use the Index Print option click Print in the Main Window followed by Index Print If you have installed the Easy PhotoPrint program that accompanied a Canon brand printer you will proceed to the Easy PhotoPrint printing window shown at the right when you select One Photo per Page Print according to the default settings If a wind...

Page 24: ...Click 2 Printer and Layout Settings and adjust the categories as you feel necessary 4 Click 3 Print PrintingÅwillÅstart The background of selected images changes to blue Selects the printer and the paper size etc Sets the number of print copies This button switches between images if multiple images were selected Sets printing to borderless etc Place a check mark here to print shooting date time in...

Page 25: ...teredÅthem ÅtryÅtheÅadvancedÅtechniques Using the Software on the Windows Platform Advanced TechniquesÅ p 24 Å A PDF format manual for ZoomBrowser EX is also available It provides further information about the program s features and procedures See Using the PDF Manuals p 2 ...

Page 26: ...s Platform The BasicsÅchapter The ZoomBrowser EX Windows ThisÅsectionÅdescribesÅtheÅprincipalÅZoomBrowserÅEXÅwindows ÅtheÅMainÅWindow ÅViewerÅ WindowÅandÅPropertiesÅWindow Main Window ThisÅwindowÅisÅforÅdisplayingÅandÅorganizingÅimagesÅdownloadedÅtoÅtheÅcomputer Folders Area p 25 Task Area p 25 Browser Area p 25 Function Buttons p 27 Switches between showing and hiding the Task Area and Folders Ar...

Page 27: ...rÅselectedÅinÅtheÅFoldersÅAreaÅwillÅdisplayÅhere TheÅdisplayÅstyleÅwillÅvaryÅaccordingÅtoÅyourÅDisplayÅModeÅselection YouÅcanÅsortÅtheÅimageÅorderÅinÅtheÅBrowserÅAreaÅbyÅfileÅname ÅshootingÅdateÅorÅotherÅ characteristicsÅbyÅselectingÅ View ÅandÅ SortÅby TheÅfollowingÅiconsÅwillÅdisplayÅaroundÅimagesÅaccordingÅtoÅtheirÅattributes ImagesÅshotÅwithÅtheÅcamera sÅStitchÅAssistÅmodeÅ RAWÅimages Movies I...

Page 28: ...displays that folder zoomed in Scroll Mode TheÅimagesÅwithinÅtheÅselectedÅfolderÅandÅ subfoldersÅwillÅdisplay ÅIfÅyouÅsetÅtheÅdisplayÅ folderÅdepthÅ level ÅtoÅ 1 ÅorÅgreater ÅtheÅ thumbnailsÅofÅtheÅimagesÅinÅtheÅfolderÅwillÅalsoÅ display ÅYouÅcanÅchangeÅtheÅfolderÅdepthÅinÅtheÅ Tools ÅmenuÅunderÅtheÅ Preferences Åoption Preview Mode ThisÅmodeÅdisplaysÅtheÅimageÅatÅaÅlargerÅsizeÅasÅ wellÅasÅtheÅima...

Page 29: ...Area Filter Tool Menu Displays only images that correspond to the specific conditions Select Button Use this to select images in Zoom mode Fit to Window Changes the thumbnail size to fit them into the window View Image Button Displays the selected image or movie in the Viewer Window Slide Show Button Starts a slide show of the selected images Properties Button Displays information about the select...

Page 30: ...cropping and inputting titles You can also use it to start up other programs for editing Image Selector Button Switches between images Full Screen Button Displays the image in the full screen mode Click the image or press any key on the keyboard to restore the normal display mode Synchronize Button Synchronizes the display settings when multiple images are displayed Star Rating Sets the Star Ratin...

Page 31: ...tailed information such as the shutter speed and exposure compensation setting The camera model will determine what information is displayed Protect Prevents an image from being overwritten or deleted Comment You can type a comment here Keywords Sets the keywords used in searches Brightness Histogram A graph of the highlights and shadows distribution in an image Image Selector Buttons Switches bet...

Page 32: ...cameraÅshutterÅfromÅtheÅcomputerÅ p 35 Connect to EOS Camera ThisÅcanÅonlyÅbeÅusedÅwithÅEOSÅseriesÅcameras ÅForÅdetailsÅonÅthisÅfunction ÅseeÅtheÅuserÅguideÅ forÅyourÅcamera Å WindowsÅVistaÅandÅWindowsÅXPÅonly Acquire Images from Memory Card DownloadÅimagesÅandÅsoundÅfilesÅfromÅaÅmemoryÅcardÅ p 19 YouÅcanÅalsoÅselectÅimagesÅonÅtheÅmemoryÅcardÅandÅprintÅthem View Classify View as a Slide Show Start...

Page 33: ...ÅitÅasÅaÅnewÅimage Å Export Movies AllowsÅyouÅtoÅchangeÅtheÅmovieÅsizeÅorÅtype ÅandÅexportÅitÅasÅaÅnewÅmovie Extract frames from a movie ExtractsÅstillÅimagesÅfromÅmoviesÅoverÅaÅspecifiedÅintervalÅandÅsavesÅthemÅasÅimageÅfiles Å WindowsÅVistaÅandÅWindowsÅXPÅonly Export Shooting Properties AllowsÅyouÅtoÅselectÅtheÅnecessaryÅdataÅfromÅtheÅshootingÅinformationÅandÅexportÅitÅasÅaÅtextÅ file Å Export a...

Page 34: ...seÅandÅthenÅprint Internet Email Images ConvertsÅtheÅselectedÅimagesÅtoÅtheÅappropriateÅ sizeÅforÅtransmissionÅbyÅe mail ÅYouÅcanÅalsoÅuseÅ itÅtoÅautomaticallyÅstartÅanÅe mailÅprogramÅafterÅconversion To return to the previous screen after selecting a task click Return to Main Menu at the bottom of the task screen Various Help functions are available in ZoomBrowser EX Click the Help menu button or...

Page 35: ... ZoomBrowser EX s Browser Area TheÅViewerÅWindowÅwillÅopenÅandÅplayÅtheÅmovie Å QuickTime is required to play and edit movies on the Windows 2000 platform You can save the displayed scene as a still image by clicking here You can control the movie s playback and sound volume ...

Page 36: to edit YouÅcanÅselectÅmultipleÅmoviesÅorÅstills 3 Follow the steps at the left of the window to edit the movie and save it QuickTime is required to play and edit movies on the Windows 2000 platform Movies are saved as Motion JPEG AVI movies Click this button to play the movie being edited Follow these steps to proceed Storyboard Area Displays thumbnails of the selected images Links images in o...

Page 37: ...g TheÅCameraÅControlÅWindowÅwillÅdisplay 2 Open the lens cover or remove the lens cap on models equipped with them ÅProceedÅtoÅtheÅnextÅstepÅifÅyourÅmodelÅdoesÅnotÅhaveÅone Å 3 Click the Remote shooting tab 4 Click Starts Remote Shooting 5 Select a destination for the captured images and click OK This function may not be available with certain camera models Check your Camera User Guide to see if y...

Page 38: ...mark here and typing text in the boxes below Viewfinder Display Click the Start Stop Viewfinder button while a connection to the camera is open to display the image appearing in the camera s viewfinder Slide this to zoom the camera in or out Set the basic camera settings here Rotation Settings Sets the rotation parameters for images after they are captured Shows Hides the viewfinder or detailed se...

Page 39: ... be guaranteed if the computer enters the standby mode If your camera is equipped with the Auto Rotate function and you set it to On the image will automatically be rotated and appear in the correct viewing orientation in the RemoteCapture Task window when holding the camera vertically You can release the shutter by pressing the camera s shutter button or the keyboard s space key Other than the sh...

Page 40: ...Stitch Å Instructions 4 Merge the images following the instructions in the guidance panel at the top of the PhotoStitch window Images Shot in Stitch Assist Mode It is easy to merge images if they are shot with the camera s Stitch Assist mode because PhotoStitch can automatically detect the image order and orientation The series of images are saved together in a single folder when they are download...

Page 41: ...d place the camera in the correct mode for connecting TheÅCameraÅControlÅWindowÅwillÅdisplay Å 2 Click the Set to Camera tab 3 Click Set My Camera TheÅMyÅCameraÅwindowÅwillÅdisplay Å This function may not be available with certain camera models Check your Camera User Guide to see if your model supports it To register the My Camera settings with the camera ensure that you install the software that ...

Page 42: ... adjusting the settings individually or in themed sets Computer Displays the list of settings files saved onto the computer Play Button Plays the audio from the selected settings file Delete Button Deletes a settings file from the computer The pre recorded My Camera settings in ZoomBrowser EX cannot be deleted Windows Vista only Delete Button Deletes a settings file from the camera Camera Displays...

Page 43: ... theme tab in the My Camera window ToÅsetÅtheÅstart upÅimageÅorÅsoundÅindividually ÅclickÅtheÅ SetÅindividually ÅtabÅandÅselectÅit 2 Select the settings files from the Camera list that you wish to save to the computer 3 Click Save to PC 4 Add a name to the settings file you are saving and click OK ThisÅconcludesÅtheÅprocessÅofÅsavingÅtheÅMyÅCameraÅsettingsÅtoÅtheÅcomputer RepeatÅstepsÅ1 4ÅasÅrequi...

Page 44: ...ngÅtheÅ MyÅCameraÅMaker Å program Å 1 Click the Edit menu in the ZoomBrowser EX Main Window and select Manage My Camera TheÅMyÅCameraÅwindowÅwillÅdisplay 2 Click the Set individually tab in the My Camera window followed by the Create My Camera Data button MyÅCameraÅMakerÅwillÅstart 3 Follow the instructions at the top part of the My Camera Maker window and create image or sound files Instructions ...

Page 45: ...her than My Camera Maker Compression Method JPEG Baseline JPEG Data Sampling 4 2 0 or 4 2 2 Pixels w x h 320 x 240 pixels Use settings like those below when creating a sound file using a sound recording program other than My Camera Maker Compression Method WAV Monaural Quantifying Bits 8 bit Sampling Frequency 11 025 kHz or 8 000 kHz Use the following lengths as guidelines for the length of sound ...

Page 46: ...ngÅtheÅsoftwareÅfromÅtheÅCanonÅDigitalÅCameraÅSolutionÅDisk Items to Prepare YourÅcameraÅandÅcomputer CanonÅDigitalÅCameraÅSolutionÅDisk InterfaceÅcableÅsuppliedÅwithÅtheÅcamera Installation Procedures 1 Close any programs that are running 2 Place the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk in the computer s CD ROM drive 3 Double click the Canon Digital Camera Installer icon in the CD ROM window 4 Clic...

Page 47: ...the installation settings and click Next FollowÅtheÅon screenÅinstructionsÅtoÅ proceedÅwithÅtheÅinstallation 8 When the installation is over click OK 9 Click Exit in the installer panel and remove the disk from the CD ROM drive Å ThisÅconcludesÅtheÅsoftwareÅinstallation Å ContinueÅbyÅdownloadingÅimagesÅtoÅtheÅcomputerÅ p 46 Å See Uninstalling the Software p 72 to delete the software installed with...

Page 48: ...e computer s USB port and the camera s DIGITAL Terminal Prepare the camera for communication with the computer TheÅCameraÅControlÅWindowÅwillÅappear IfÅitÅdoesÅnotÅopen ÅclickÅtheÅ CameraWindow ÅiconÅinÅtheÅDockÅ theÅbarÅatÅtheÅbottomÅofÅ theÅdesktop ÅToÅsetÅthisÅwindowÅsoÅitÅdoesÅnotÅautomaticallyÅopenÅwhenÅyouÅconnectÅtheÅ cameraÅtoÅtheÅcomputer ÅremoveÅtheÅcheckÅmarkÅfromÅtheÅ StartÅwhenÅaÅcame...

Page 49: ...load Images Direct Transfer Function SetÅtheÅDirectÅTransferÅsettingsÅonÅtheÅ cameraÅandÅpressÅtheÅ Print Share buttonÅorÅtheÅFUNC SETÅbutton Using the Computer to Download Images Click Starts to download images If the conditions are right for the Direct Transfer function the Direct Transfer settings menu will appear in the LCD monitor In addition the Print Share button will light if your camera i...

Page 50: ...cameraÅtoÅtheÅcomputer ÅremoveÅtheÅcheckÅmarkÅfromÅtheÅ StartÅwhenÅaÅcameraÅisÅ connected ÅinÅtheÅ File ÅmenuÅinÅtheÅCameraÅControlÅwindow By default all the images that have yet to be downloaded will download To download images that have had their transfer settings set with the camera click Preferences and select Images whose transfer settings were specified with the camera as the image type to b...

Page 51: ...intÅoutÅtheÅimagesÅ p 50 By the default settings all images are downloaded to the Pictures folder To download images that have had their transfer settings set with the camera click Preferences and select Images whose transfer settings were specified with the camera as the image type to be downloaded Click Lets you select and download images to show the memory card images in a list check the images...

Page 52: ...ngÅnumberÅofÅpages 1 Select the images to print ClickingÅonÅanÅimageÅselectsÅitÅandÅdisplaysÅaÅblueÅframeÅaroundÅit ÅToÅselectÅmultipleÅ images ÅholdÅdownÅtheÅ shift ÅorÅ Å command ÅkeyÅwhileÅclickingÅonÅimages 2 Click Print and select One Photo per page Print Movies cannot be printed but you can print stills after they have been extracted from movies and saved to files Selecting Index Print allow...

Page 53: ...are on the Macintosh Platform Advanced TechniquesÅ p 52 Å A PDF format manual for ImageBrowser is also available It provides further information about the program s features and procedures See Using the PDF Manuals p 2 Selects a printer Selects options such as the paper size and orientation when you click Page Setup Configures the auto trimming function Place a check mark here to print the shootin...

Page 54: ...eÅ Using the Software on the Macintosh Platform The BasicsÅchapter The ImageBrowser Windows ThisÅsectionÅdescribesÅtheÅprincipalÅImageBrowserÅwindows ÅtheÅBrowserÅWindow ÅViewerÅ WindowÅandÅFileÅInformationÅWindow Browser Window ThisÅwindowÅisÅforÅdisplayingÅandÅorganizingÅimagesÅdownloadedÅtoÅtheÅcomputer Explorer Panel p 53 Browser Area p 53 Display Mode p 54 Display Control Panel p 55 Control P...

Page 55: ...ÅvaryÅaccordingÅtoÅyourÅDisplayÅModeÅselection Å TheÅfollowingÅtypesÅofÅiconÅwillÅdisplayÅaroundÅimagesÅaccordingÅtoÅtheirÅattributes ImagesÅshotÅwithÅtheÅcamera sÅStitchÅAssistÅmodeÅ RAWÅimages Movies ImagesÅwithÅsoundÅmemoÅattachments ProtectedÅimages ImagesÅshotÅwithÅtheÅcamera sÅAEBÅfunction RotatedÅImagesÅ InÅdisplayÅonly Methods for Registering a Favorite Folder IfÅ FavoriteÅFolders ÅisÅdisp...

Page 56: ...sÅtheÅimageÅatÅaÅlargerÅsizeÅasÅ wellÅasÅtheÅimageÅinformation Å List DisplaysÅtheÅimagesÅinÅtheÅfolderÅselectedÅinÅtheÅ ExplorerÅPanelÅsectionÅinÅrowsÅandÅcolumns TimeTunnel DisplaysÅimagesÅinÅchronologicalÅorderÅinÅaÅ simulatedÅtimeÅtunnel ÅYouÅcanÅmoveÅalongÅaÅ timelineÅfromÅtheÅpastÅtoÅtheÅpresentÅusingÅtheÅ sliderÅthatÅappearsÅatÅtheÅwindow sÅright ...

Page 57: ...heÅControl Panel FeaturesÅsectionÅ p 58 Selection Menu Click this to select deselect all images in the Browser Area Hide Buttons Left Hides the Explorer Panel Middle Hides the control panel Right Hides the image information in the Preview display mode Display Size Changes the size of the thumbnail in the Browser Area Filter Tool Menu Use the Star Rating option in the Show menu to limit the scope o...

Page 58: ...pping and inputting titles You can also use it to start up other programs for editing Image Selector Button Switches between images Zoom Changes the image zoom setting Full Screen Button Displays the image in the full screen mode You can also double click an image to display it in full screen mode Click the image or press any key on the keyboard to restore the normal display mode Synchronize Butto...

Page 59: ...mage Shooting Information Displays detailed information such as the shutter speed and exposure compensation setting The camera model will determine what information is displayed Lock Prevents an image from being overwritten or deleted Comment You can type a comment here Keyword Sets the keywords used in searches Brightness Histogram A graph of the highlights and shadows distribution in an image Im...

Page 60: ...sÅbeforeÅprinting Å Set to Camera SetsÅcameraÅsettings ÅsuchÅasÅtheÅMyÅCameraÅsettingsÅ p 67 ÅItÅalsoÅuploadsÅimagesÅfromÅtheÅ computerÅtoÅtheÅcamera Å Remote Shooting AllowsÅyouÅtoÅoperateÅtheÅcameraÅshutterÅfromÅtheÅcomputerÅ p 63 View Image DisplaysÅtheÅselectedÅimageÅorÅmovieÅinÅtheÅViewerÅWindow SlideShow StartsÅaÅslideÅshowÅofÅtheÅselectedÅimages ÅClickÅtheÅ View ÅmenuÅandÅselectÅ SlideÅShow...

Page 61: ...ÅExportsÅtheÅimageÅasÅaÅscreenÅsaverÅfile ExportÅanÅImageÅasÅWallpaper ÅExportsÅtheÅimageÅasÅaÅwallpaperÅfile Organize Images File menu Organize Image SortÅImages ÅsortsÅimagesÅaccordingÅtoÅcriteriaÅsuchÅasÅtheÅshootingÅdateÅorÅStarÅRatingÅandÅ savesÅthemÅintoÅaÅspecifiedÅfolder Rename ÅchangesÅtheÅfilesÅnamesÅofÅmultipleÅimagesÅinÅaÅsingleÅpass Convert RAW Images File menu RAW image processing Co...

Page 62: View Settings HidesÅorÅshowsÅimageÅinformationÅbeneathÅtheÅthumbnail ÅsuchÅasÅtheÅfileÅnameÅorÅtheÅ shootingÅdateÅandÅtime Sort Images View menu Sort ArrangesÅimageÅorderÅinÅtheÅBrowserÅAreaÅaccordingÅtoÅcriteriaÅsuchÅasÅtheÅfilename ÅfileÅ modificationÅdate ÅfileÅsizeÅorÅshootingÅdate ...

Page 63: ...with a movie icon in ImageBrowser s Browser Area TheÅmovieÅwillÅappearÅinÅtheÅViewerÅ Window Å Movie icon 2 Click the button You can save the displayed scene as a still image by clicking here You can control the movie s playback and sound volume ...

Page 64: ... or stills YouÅcanÅselectÅmultipleÅmoviesÅorÅstills 2 Click the Edit menu and select Movie Edit 3 Follow the steps displayed in the middle of the window to edit the movie and save it Click this button to play the movie being edited Follow these steps to proceed Storyboard Area Displays thumbnails of the selected images Links images in order from left to right Click this button for detailed operati...

Page 65: ... TheÅCameraÅControlÅWindowÅwillÅdisplay Å 2 Open the lens cover or remove the lens cap on models equipped with them ProceedÅtoÅtheÅnextÅstepÅifÅyourÅmodelÅdoesÅnotÅhaveÅone Å 3 Click the Remote shooting tab 4 Click Starts Remote Shooting 5 Select a destination for the captured images and click Choose This function may not be available with certain camera models Check your Camera User Guide to see ...

Page 66: ...ark here and typing text in the boxes below Viewfinder Display Click the Start Stop Viewfinder button while a connection to the camera is open to display the image appearing in the camera s viewfinder Slide this to zoom the camera in or out Set the camera shooting settings here Rotation Settings Sets the rotation parameters for images after they are captured Shows Hides the viewfinder or detailed ...

Page 67: ... guaranteed if the computer enters the sleep mode If your camera is equipped with the Auto Rotate function and you set it to On the image will automatically be rotated and appear in the correct viewing orientation in the RemoteCapture Task window when holding the cameras vertically You can also release the shutter by pressing the camera s shutter button or the keyboard s space key Other than the s...

Page 68: ...he images following the instructions in the guidance panel at the top of the PhotoStitch window Images Shot in Stitch Assist Mode It is easy to merge images if they are shot with the camera s Stitch Assist mode because PhotoStitch can automatically detect the image order and orientation The series of images are saved together in a single folder when they are downloaded from the camera SomeÅcameraÅ...

Page 69: ...nal and place the camera in the correct mode for connecting TheÅCameraÅControlÅWindowÅwillÅdisplay Å 2 Click the Set to Camera tab 3 Click Set My Camera TheÅMyÅCameraÅwindowÅwillÅdisplay Å This function may not be available with certain camera models Check your Camera User Guide to see if your model supports it To register the My Camera settings with the camera ensure that you install the software...

Page 70: ...My Camera setting to the factory default setting Type Select the settings type Computer Displays the list of settings files saved onto the computer Play Button Plays the audio from the selected settings file Send to Trash Button Deletes a settings file from the computer Save to Camera Button Click here to save the settings onto the camera Delete Button Deletes a settings file from the camera Camer...

Page 71: of setting you wish to save to the computer from the Type list box 2 Select the setting in the Camera list that you wish to save to the computer 3 Click the button 4 Input a file name to the selected setting and click the OK button ThisÅconcludesÅtheÅprocessÅofÅsavingÅtheÅMyÅCameraÅsettingsÅtoÅtheÅcomputer Å RepeatÅstepsÅ1 4ÅasÅrequired My Camera settings can be selected and saved in either of ...

Page 72: the File menu in the ImageBrowser Main Window and select Canon Camera and My camera ÅÅ TheÅMyÅCameraÅwindowÅwillÅdisplay 2 Select the Start up Image in Type 3 Click Add 4 Select the file you created and click Open ThisÅconcludesÅtheÅprocessÅforÅaddingÅnewÅdata 5 To connect to the camera click Connect to Camera YouÅcanÅaddÅtheÅsettingsÅfilesÅyouÅjustÅaddedÅtoÅtheÅcomputerÅtoÅtheÅcameraÅusingÅthe...

Page 73: ...ling 4 2 0 or 4 2 2 Pixels w x h 320 x 240 pixels Use settings like those below when creating a sound file with a sound recording program Compression Method WAV Monaural Quantifying Bits 8 bit Sampling Frequency 11 025 kHz or 8 000 kHz Use the following lengths as guidelines for the length of sound file that can be saved to the camera Type Duration in Seconds 11 025 kHz 8 000 kHz Start Up Sound 1 ...

Page 74: ...erÅorÅwhenÅreinstallationÅisÅrequiredÅtoÅfixÅcorruptedÅfiles Uninstalling the Software Windows ThisÅexplanationÅusesÅZoomBrowserÅEXÅtoÅdemonstrateÅhowÅtoÅuninstallÅaÅprogram ÅYouÅcanÅ removeÅotherÅprogramsÅwithÅtheÅsameÅprocedures Å 1 Click the Windows Start menu and select All Programs or Programs followed by Canon Utilities ZoomBrowser EX and ZoomBrowser EX Uninstall TheÅuninstallÅutilityÅwillÅs...

Page 75: ...t and the camera s DIGITAL Terminal Prepare the camera for communication with the computer ForÅinterfaceÅcableÅconnectionÅinstructions ÅseeÅtheÅCamera User Guide Å 2 Click the Finish button if the Camera Control Window displays 3 Click the Start menu and select Settings followed by Control Panel 4 Double click the Scanners and Cameras icon It is essential to note that you will not be able to downl...

Page 76: ...eÅtheÅfollowingÅ procedures 1 ReinstallÅtheÅdriver 2 ConnectÅtheÅcameraÅtoÅtheÅcomputerÅwithÅtheÅinterfaceÅcable Å Uninstalling the Software Macintosh UninstallÅtheÅprogramsÅbyÅdraggingÅtheÅapplication sÅfolderÅ theÅfolderÅinÅwhichÅitÅwasÅinstalled Å intoÅtheÅTrash ÅandÅthenÅemptyÅtheÅTrash If your camera model name does not appear here see the Camera not detected Events dialog won t display or im...

Page 77: ...e Å STA_0001 JPG Å STB_0002 JPG Å STC_0003 JPG AllÅfoldersÅexceptÅtheÅ xxxCANON ÅfoldersÅcontainÅimageÅsettingsÅfiles ÅDoÅnotÅopenÅorÅdeleteÅ them Å IMG_xxxx JPG JPEG images _MG_xxxx JPG JPEG images recorded in the Adobe RGB color space CRW_xxxx CRW RAW images _RW_xxxx CRW RAW images recorded in the Adobe RGB color space CRW_xxxx THM STx_xxxx JPG Stitch Assist mode images MVI_xxxx AVI Movies MVI_x...

Page 78: ...ide for the correct connection procedures Also check to ensure that you are using the correct cable and that it is securely attached at both ends Are the camera and computer in the correct modes to transfer data Some models require the camera to be set to the playback mode to transfer data See the Camera User Guide for details Is the battery sufficiently charged Check the battery charge if you are...

Page 79: ...gÅtheÅtransmissionÅspeedÅforÅdataÅbyÅ followingÅtheÅproceduresÅbelow Solution HoldÅtheÅMENUÅbuttonÅonÅtheÅcameraÅdownÅandÅpressÅtheÅ Print Share Å buttonÅandÅFUNC SETÅbuttonÅsimultaneously ÅInÅtheÅdisplayedÅscreen ÅselectÅ B Å andÅpressÅtheÅFUNC SETÅbutton Images won t download into a TWAIN compliant program Camera and computer connected via interface cable Windows 2000 ClickÅtheÅ Finish ÅbuttonÅi...

Page 80: ...askÅlistÅ DeviceÅManager Windows XP ClickÅtheÅ Start Åmenu Å ControlÅPanel Å PerformanceÅandÅ Maintenance Å System Å Hardware Åtab ÅandÅtheÅ DeviceÅManager Åbutton Windows 2000 ClickÅtheÅ Start Åmenu Å Settings Å ControlÅPanel Å System Å Hardware Åtab ÅandÅtheÅ DeviceÅManager Åbutton 2 ClickÅtheÅ ÅsymbolÅbesideÅtheÅ OtherÅdevices Å PortableÅDevices Åand orÅ ImagingÅdevices Åcategory YourÅcameraÅmo...

Page 81: ...sÅ0ÅorÅ1 Å CAP ÅfilesÅcomeÅinÅpairsÅofÅ CAP inf ÅandÅ CAP pnf Åfiles Å ÅrepresentsÅ theÅsameÅnumberÅ ForÅexample Å CAP0 inf ÅandÅ CAP0 pnf Å Step 6 and above are not required for Windows Vista and Windows XP If the inf Folder Is Not Visible in the WINNT Folder UseÅtheÅfollowingÅproceduresÅtoÅshowÅallÅfilesÅandÅfolders 1 OpenÅtheÅ WINNT Åfolder 2 ClickÅtheÅ Tools ÅmenuÅandÅselectÅ FolderÅOptions 3 ...

Page 82: ...el WithÅWindowsÅ2000 ÅclickÅtheÅ Start ÅmenuÅandÅselectÅ Settings ÅfollowedÅbyÅ ControlÅPanel Å 2 DisplayÅtheÅ HardwareÅacceleration ÅsettingÅwindow Windows Vista ClickÅ AppearanceÅandÅPersonalization ÅfollowedÅbyÅ AdjustÅ screenÅResolution Å AdvancedÅSettings ÅbuttonÅandÅ Troubleshoot Åtab Windows XP ClickÅtheÅ AppearanceÅandÅTheme Åicon ÅfollowedÅbyÅtheÅ Display Åicon Å Settings Åtab Å Advanced ...

Page 83: ...tÅthisÅutility Å WithÅWindowsÅVista Åright clickÅtheÅ dbconverter exe ÅfileÅandÅselectÅ RunÅasÅ administrator ÅtoÅproceedÅwithÅauthorizationÅasÅaÅcomputerÅAdministrator Å 3 SelectÅtheÅdatabaseÅfileÅyouÅwereÅusingÅupÅtoÅthisÅpointÅandÅclickÅtheÅ Start Å button Å e g ÅC ProgramÅFiles Canon ZoomBrowserÅEX Database MyÅDatabase zbd ThisÅwillÅdisplayÅtheÅtitlesÅandÅcommentsÅinputÅinÅtheÅearlierÅversions...

Page 84: ...dÅmemosÅandÅsoundÅfilesÅrecordedÅwithÅtheÅSoundÅ RecorderÅfunctionÅmayÅnotÅdownloadÅdependingÅonÅfileÅsizeÅandÅsoftwareÅused RAWÅimagesÅmayÅnotÅbeÅdownloadableÅwithÅsomeÅsoftwareÅprogramsÅorÅoperatingÅsystems Å MoviesÅmayÅnotÅdownloadÅcorrectlyÅifÅtheÅfileÅsizeÅorÅsoftwareÅprogramÅisÅincompatible Å ImagesÅshotÅinÅtheÅverticalÅorientationÅmayÅbeÅdownloadedÅinÅtheÅhorizontalÅposition TheÅprotectionÅ...

Page 85: ...Print 21 E mail 7 EOSÅUtility 9 EventsÅDialog 17 77 ExtractÅStillsÅfromÅMovies 7 F FavoriteÅFolder Macintosh 53 Windows 25 FileÅInformationÅWindow 57 FileÅName Windows 29 FilterÅTool Macintosh 55 Windows 27 FoldersÅArea 24 25 FunctionÅButtons 24 27 I ImageÅIconÅAttribute Macintosh 53 Windows 25 ImageBrowser 6 7 9 IndexÅPrint Windows 21 InstallerÅPanel Macintosh 44 Windows 12 InstallingÅSoftware Ma...

Page 86: ...Q QuickTime Windows 9 33 34 R RemoteÅShooting Macintosh 63 Windows 35 ReplayingÅMovies Macintosh 61 Windows 33 S SearchingÅImages Macintosh 59 Windows 30 ShootingÅInformation Macintosh 57 Windows 29 StarÅRating Macintosh 56 57 Windows 28 29 StitchÅAssistÅMode Macintosh 66 Windows 38 SystemÅRequirements 8 T TaskÅArea 24 25 30 Troubleshooting 76 Problems 77 StartÅbyÅCheckingÅThis 76 U UninstallingÅS...

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