Be sure that the specified value of the curved spine is R1.5[mm] or less at the corner of the book when a cover of 128g/m2,
horizontal grain paper [1] is used.
7) Print out a sample booklet of stack again
Print out a book as same as in the step 5) and check the condition of the glue application.
Check if the heights of the side glue at the head and the tail are within the standard of the height shown in the below figure.
- Height of the side glue at the head: Minimum 2.0 to maximum 7.0mm
- Height of the side glue at the tail: Minimum 2.0 to maximum 7.0mm
- Difference of the height of the side glue between the head and the tail: The difference between A and C: 3.0mm or less, the
difference between B and D: 3.0mm or less
If the glue amount is insufficient or excessive, repeat the step 5) to 7).