Chapter 4
4.1 Service Parts
4.1.1 Service Parts
The service parts indicated below require careful handling.
1. Keep all packages with the warning not to turn over.
Pay careful attention to all individually packaged service part (carriage unit, purge unit, ink tank unit, and other
parts) boxes marked "This side up" and handle appropriately.
4.2 Disassembly/Reassembly
4.2.1 Disassembly/Reassembly
For the procedure for disassembly/reassembly of the components excluding the major components,refer to the
paets catalog.
For the major components,the disassembly flow and detailed disassembly procedures are shown below.
there are the following four major units:
1.Carriage unit
2.Purge unit
3.Cutter unit
4.Ink tank unit
Illustrations in the parts catalog are assigned illustration nombers according to the order in which parts are