imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5500 and C5500 II Series Customer Expectations Document
Version 6
imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5500 and C5500 II Series Customer Expectations Document
Page 12
2.6 Data Backup Service
The Data Backup Service provides automatic data backup periodically to a cloud-
based server hosted at Canon Business Imaging Online. The end-user
administrator can execute the Data Backup Service. The Data Backup Service
backs up the imageRUNNER ADVANCE Third Generation device user mode
settings, Address Book, Registration Settings, Quick Menu Settings, Main Menu
Settings, Box Settings, Universal Data Settings, Personal Settings, and Service
Mode Settings. Customer data is not backed up to the Data Backup Service, with
the exception of the Address Book.
The service technician can restore the address book and settings listed above from
the cloud-based server to the existing or replaced Hard Disk Drive of the
imageRUNNER ADVANCE device.
Data Backup Service is available with UFP Version 3.6 (enabled by default with
UFP 3.7 or later).
Training is required to allow the servicing dealer to enroll in Data Backup Service
and for the service technician to receive support from the Technical Support
Center. Refer to the Training Center at Canon USA’s e-Support Center Website
Training Center for details.