Right from your PC
Enjoy even greater control and convenience right from your PC. Use the
imageRUNNER ADVANCE Quick Printing Tool to print, fax, preview, and
convert files to PDFs, as well as monitor the status of your system—all
without even opening an application. The imageRUNNER ADVANCE
Desktop solution lets you manage and prepare documents, combine
multiple formats, preview files, and select the finishing functions.
Easy collaboration
Fax documents
These models support up to four fax
lines, work with your VoIP network,
and have the ability to share the fax
function of another networked
model. The
Job Forwarding feature automatically
routes incoming faxes to other
systems, users, or destinations.
Distribute documents
Distribute scanned documents to multiple
destinations, such as e-mail and fax addresses
and network folders, all in a single step. Now
you can scan and convert both black-and-white
and color documents directly into Microsoft®
or a Searchable
Universal Send supports an expanded range
of file formats, including High-Compression
and Encrypted
Scan and store documents
Designed to streamline workflow,
these models let you readily save,
store, and access scanned docu-
ments from multiple locations. Store
them in built-in spaces, such as Mail
Box and Advanced Box, or external
spaces, such as memory media or
another networked location.
Streamline your workflow
Canon’s middleware technology links enterprise applications, such as
Oracle® and SAP®, with Customer Relationship Management systems
such as Salesforce.com®. The streamlined workflow automates complex
business processes and offers easy access to information, saving both
time and money.
Real managed document services
(Managed Document Services)—expert, ongoing optimization of your
total document environment—can boost productivity and help deliver big
savings. These models are designed from the start to tap into powerful
tools and services that track usage, improve printing behavior, identify
excessive printing, efficiently manage information and processes, and more.
Canon’s software solutions and professional services leverage MDS to take
your business to the next level.