Create a profile to register the colors you want to reproduce.
Select one of the existing registered profiles and press <Duplicate>. Then enter the profile name and press
Select the created profile and press <Next>.
Press <Add>.
To edit the registered colors, press <Edit>.
To edit the registered colors, press <Delete>.
Enter the values for the color to be registered.
Enter the RGB values for the color you want to create in <Target RGB> and enter the <Sheet No.>, <Row> and
<Column> for that color from the chart printed in step 2.
You cannot register a color that has the same values for R, G and B.
E.g.: White (R,G,B)=(255,255,255), Black (R,G,B)=(0,0,0)
You cannot register an additional color with RGB values that are already registered.
Press <OK>.
The output color is added.
You can register up to 168 color.
Press <OK>.
The output color information is registered in the profile.
The registered profile will be enabled by performing one of the following operations.
(Settings/Registration) <Apply Set. Changes> <Yes>.
Restart the machine.
Changes to Functions