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passage for venting. This prevents something called 
“vapor locking” which won’t allow any ink to leave from the 




 With your rubber gloves on, put your finger over the exit 
hole on the bottom below the foam filled space. Hold it 
tight! Now drill another hole on the top of the empty 
reservoir near the front. You’ll see a slight dimpled spot 
almost to the front. Drill there. Now you’re ready to insert 
the ink. Pick up the syringe and fill the space almost to the 
top. If there’s any ink at all on the top near the hole, wipe it 
off with a paper towel, pick up the glue gun and spread a 
bit of hot glue over and slightly around the hole. This is the 


 hole”---not the vent hole over the foam area.

Continue to hold your finger over the exit till the glue sets 
up and you’re done. How easy was that????

Once you’re set up it shouldn’t take more than fifteen or 
twenty minutes to fill all the tanks even including cleanup. 
It’ll go quicker after the first time as the holes are already 
