• The other party’s machine’s page buffer is
full, or RNR was received after output of
PPS-NULL because the machine was in
use, and after RR output a significant signal
could not be properly received.
(1) Set ECM Tx to “OFF” in the user mode
data entry’s Tx settings function settings
(2) Lower the Tx speed setting in the user
##0753 [TX] Limit for the number of protocol signal re-transmissions is exceeded or T5 time
limit (60 seconds) is exceeded after PPS-NULL output
• The line condition is poor. After PPS-NULL
output, PPR was received 4 times and CTC
was output, but the other party’s machine
can not receive properly.
• The line condition is poor. After PPS-NULL
output, PPR was received 4 times and CTC
was output, but a significant signal can not
be properly received.
• Raise the modem output level in #2 MENU
parameter 007, so the other party’s
machine can properly receive CTC.
• Have the other party raise the output level
so the signal can be received properly.
##0754 [TX] Limit for number of protocol signal re-transmissions is exceeded after PPS-NULL
• The line condition is poor and PPS-MPS is
not transmitted properly.
• The line condition is poor and the signal
can not be received properly.
(1) Raise the modem output level in #2 MENU
parameter 007, so the other party’s
machine can properly receive PPS-MPS.
(2) Adjust the NL equalizer in #2 MENU
parameter 005, so the other party’s
machine can properly receive PPS-MPS.
(3) Add an echo protect tone to the V29
modem signal in #1 SSSW-SW03 Bit 1.
• Have the other party’s machine’s output
level raised so the signal can be received
##0755 [TX] A significant signal can not be detected and the limit for number of protocol sig-
nal re-transmissions is exceeded after PPS-MPS output