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Check the water flow is more than the value indicated in the following table. Adjust the flow
interlocks in order to operate for the values equal to the flow rate indicated in the following table.
Check that the interlocks do properly cut off the filament power supply and electromagnet power
supply. Check that the water temperature interlocks operate for 35 degree centigrade.
Flow rate
Klystron body and collector, min.
30 L/min.
Klystron waveguide, min.
2 L/min.
Electromagnet, min.
10 L/min. Klystron heating
Adjust the heater voltage to within plus minus 5% of the value indicated on the individual
tube Test Report. When heater power is applied to a cold tube, the heater voltage shall be adjusted
from zero to prescribed value so that the heater voltage should not exceed 40A. Set the min. and
max. of filament current protection relays to the rated value given in the Test Report, minus 5% and
plus 5% respectively. Check these interlocks operate in order. The interlock must cut off the HV for
the klystron. Electromagnet power supply
The electromagnet power supply must current-regulated to better than 1%. Check the
regulation before using the power supply. The resistance of the coils may increase between the
application of the voltage and temperature stabilization. Apply the voltage to the electromagnet
and adjust the current to within 1% of the prescribed value. Set the min. and max. protection relays
for the current to the prescribed value minus 5% and plus 5% respectively. Check the interlocks
operate in order.
6.2. Operating Instructions
6.2.1. Starting a new tube
The operation described below should be applied to a new tube and a restored tube from
standby. Heater warm-up
Turn on the filament power supply and gradually up the filament voltage in the manner that
the filament current does not exceed the rated rush current. Wait for at least one hour to heat up
the cathode to the operating temperature. Check the klystron ion pump current. It is not abnormal
that the ion pump current exceeds 10 microamperes due to outgassing from cathode assembly,
when the filament is turned on. Check the ion pump current, after one hour of heat up, to be less
than 1 microampere. Waveguide conditioning
When starting a new station waveguides or dummy load, careful conditioning of the
waveguide system is necessary. The E3730A klystron is designed to operate with output
waveguide system, in which ultra-high vacuum is kept even during RF power is on.