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After de-gassing, inlet dry and clean air into the oil tank. Check again the oil level. If the oil
level is lower than the specified level, pour additional oil into the oil tank and de-gas it again.
Repeat the procedure mentioned above until the oil tank is filled with sufficient volume of oil without
bubbles. Connect the klystron to the waveguide
Before operation, the cover protecting the output waveguide flange must be removed. The
waveguide shall be filled with nitrogen gas to keep the cleaned surface of the waveguide and the
output windows. Be sure to keep the cover and the sealing elastic in order to use them again when
the klystron is dismounted from the station for standby or storage.
Connect the klystron output to the station waveguide, inserting the copper gasket between
them. This operation must not entail any strain on the klystron output window. It is recommended
that the klystron, the electromagnet, and the oil tank assembly can be adjusted its position against
the station waveguide, unless the station waveguide position is adjustable.
Inside of the waveguide is supposed to be evacuated to high vacuum. The electric field is so
high that any small particles or irregularity may cause electric break down. Be careful not to leave
any dust, dirts, particles, or fibers in the waveguide. Be careful never to touch inside the waveguide
and the flanges. Be sure the surfaces of the sealing edges of the waveguide flanges and the
copper gasket are clean and free from scratches, oxidation or corrosion.
When the waveguide is evacuated up to 1.3x10-6 Pa (10-8 torr) or lower pressure, it is
recommended to check the vacuum leak with suitable devices such as Helium leak detector. Evacuate the waveguide
The E3730A klystron must not be operated at the output waveguide pressure higher than
Pa (10
torr). It is recommended the output waveguide pressure is kept at less than or equal
to 2.6x10
Pa (2x10
torr) even in klystron operation at full power. The ultimate pressure of the
waveguide system should be less than 1.3x10
Pa (10
torr) when the klystron is not energized.
Operation under a less quality vacuum causes severe electric break down. Especially the klystron
output window may be seriously damaged. Under poor vacuum in the waveguide, the full ratings
or life of the E3730A klystron are not guaranteed. Install X-ray shielding kit
Install X-ray shielding kit around the klystron collector pole-piece and the output waveguide.
Be careful not to apply any stress on the output waveguide, output windows, or ion pump
assembly. Connect RF input
Connect RF input to the coaxial cable from the driver. Connect the ion pump power supply
Be sure the ion pump power supply and the associated circuitry connected to the power
supply are not energized and properly grounded.
Connect the ion pump power supply with the HV feeder cable and connector assembly.