IPP: Internet Printing Protocol. A protocol used between a client and a print server
for carrying out remote printing over the Internet.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): The protocol used to
connect to the Internet and to wide area networks.
Proxy server
A server that provides a cache of files available on remote servers that are slow or
expensive to access. The term, “proxy server,” normally refers to a World Wide Web
server that, on receiving a URL, tries to supply the requested file from its cache. If it
cannot locate the file there, the proxy server would bring it from the remote server and
also saves a copy in its cache so that the next request can be obtained locally.
Remote UI
Remote User Interface. Many functions that are done physically at the Canon
machine’s operation panel can be done via software at a networked computer using a
web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line. Spooling means putting jobs in a buffer,
which is a special area in memory or on a disk. Because devices access data at
different rates, the buffer provides a waiting station where the data can wait until the
device for which it is meant is ready to access it.
Uniform Resource Locator. A standard way of specifying the location of an object,
usually a web page, on the Internet. The URL for a web page would look something
like this: “http://www.w3.org/default.html.” Here, “http:” indicates that a web page is
being accessed, “www.w3.org” is the address of the server containing the web page,
and “default.html” is the file name under which the web page is stored on the server.