As an additional tuning tool, the spring rate of your
air shock can be adjusted using the included air
volume spacers (see Anatomy chart on pages 8-11).
This is independent of the air pressure adjust-
ment. Air pressure should be used to achieve the
correct sag value (see Base Tune, Tuning Field
Guide, or canecreek.com). If the bike bottoms out
harshly or too frequently, an air volume spacer
can control how progressive the shock is.
More air volume spacers
will provide a more pro-
gressive air spring. A more progressive spring will
prevent harsh bottom-outs, since the spring will be
“stiffer” as the bike gets closer to full travel.
Fewer air volume spacers
will provide a more
linear (less progressive) air spring. A less progres-
sive air spring will make it easier to use the full
travel of the bike.
Tuning Air Volume