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K  P






“  N







Przy uãyciu tego przycisku
moãliwa jest zmiana kaãdego
programu w pranie “na zimno”
bez zmiany pozostaäych


w (poziomu wody,

czasu prania itd.) 
Zasäony, maäe dywaniki oraz
wszelkie delikatne, mogåce
odbarwiaç sië lub
powodowaç przebarwienia
tkaniny, dziëki tej funkcji mogå
byç bezpiecznie prane.


Przycisk ten pozwala
zaprogramowaç  cykl prania
z opóênieniem maksymalnie
24 godziny.
Aby zaprogramowaç
opóêniony start nale˝y:
Ustawiç wybrany program.
Wcisnàç przycisk pierwszy
raz, aby aktywowaç
program ( na wyÊwietlaczu
poka˝e si´ napis h00), a
nast´pnie wcisnàç przycisk
jeszcze raz aby ustawiç
opóênienie startu o jednà
godzin´ ( na wyÊwietlaczu
poka˝e si´ napis h 01). Ka˝de
nast´pne wciÊni´cie
przycisku wyd∏u˝a start o
jednà godzin´ , a˝ do 24
godzin, natomiast ostatnie
wciÊni´cie tego przycisku
wyzerowuje opóêniony start.
Potwierdziç ustawienie
wciskajàc przycisk


(Kontrolka na

wyÊwietlaczu zacznie migaç)
aby rozpoczàç odliczanie,
po zakoƒczeniu którego
program w∏àczy si´
Mo˝na anulowaç ustawiony
opóêniony start w
nast´pujàcy sposób:
Przytrzymaç wciÊni´ty
przycisk przez 5 sekund, a˝ na
wyÊwietlaczu poka˝à si´
parametry wybranego
programu. W tym momencie
mo˝na uruchomiç program
poprzednio wybrany
wciskajàc przycisk
“START/PAUZA” lub anulowaç
operacje ustawiajàc
pokr´t∏o wyboru programów
na pozycj´ OFF i ponownie
wybraç inny program.


Stisknutim tohoto tlaãítka je
moÏno zmûnit kaÏd˘ program
na studené prani beze zmûny
ostatních vlastností (kvalita
vody, rychlost otáãek, ãas atd).
Závûsy, malé koberce, ruãnû
vyrábûné jemné tkaniny, citlivá
barevna obleãení, mÛÏete
bezpeãnû vyprat díky tomuto


Toto tlaãítko umoÏÀuje odloÏit
spu‰tûní pracího programu
maximálnû o 24 hodin. 
Pokud si pfiejete odloÏit
spu‰tûní programu, postupujte
následujícím zpÛsobem:
Zvolte poÏadovan˘ program.
Stisknûte tlaãítko jednou,
abyste jej aktivovali (na displeji
se objeví h00). Opûtovn˘m
stisknutím nastavte odloÏení o
1 hodinu (na displeji se objeví
h01). KaÏd˘m dal‰ím stisknutím
se odloÏení prodlouÏí o 1
hodinu aÏ po h24. V pfiípadû
dal‰ího stisknutí se odloÏen˘
start zru‰í. 

Stisknutím tlaãítka
„START/PAUSA“ (kontrolka na
displeji zaãne blikat) potvrdíte
spu‰tûní poãítání nastaveného
ãasu. Po jeho uplynutí se
program automaticky spustí.

OdloÏen˘ start je moÏné zru‰it
Stisknûte tlaãítko na 5 sekund,
dokud se na displeji nezobrazí
parametry zvoleného
Stisknutím tlaãítka
„START/PAUSA“ mÛÏete teì
spustit pfiedtím zvolen˘
program. Pokud chcete cel˘
proces zru‰it, nastavte ovladaã
programÛ do polohy OFF a
následnû zvolte jin˘ program.



By pressing this button it is
possible to transform every
programme into a cold
washing one, without
modifying other
characteristics (water level,
times, rythmes, etc...).
Curtains, small carpets, man
made delicate fabrics, non
coulor fast garments can be
safely washed thanks to this
new device.


This button allows you to pre-
programme the wash cycle
to delay the start of the
cycle for up to 24 hours. 
To delay the start use the
following procedure:
Set the required programme.
Press the button once to
activate it (h00 appears on
the display) and then press it
again to set a 1 hour delay
(h01 appears on the display);
the pre-set delay increases
by 1 hour each time the
button is pressed, until h24
appears on the display, at
which point pressing the
button again will reset the
delay start to zero.

Confirm by pressing the


” button (the

light on the display starts to
flash). The countdown will
begin and when it has
finished the programme will
start automatically.

It is possible to cancel the
delay start by taking the
following action:
Press and hold the button for
5 seconds until the display
will show the settings for the
programme selected.
At this stage it is possible to
start the programme
previously selected by
pressing the “


button or to cancel the
process by setting the
selector to the OFF position
and then selecting another




âe pritisnete na to tipko, bo
stroj ne glede na izbrani
program opral perilo s
hladno vodo, medtem ko
ostanejo druge znaãilnosti
programa nespremenjene
(koliãina vode, trajanje
programa, faze ipd.).
Zahvaljujoã tej novi funkciji
lahko zdaj varno perete tudi
zavese, manj‰e preproge,
obãutljive sintetiãne tkanine
in perilo neobstojnih barv.


S pomoãjo te tipke lahko
programirate ãasovni zamik
zaãetka programa za najveã
24 ur.
To storite na naslednji naãin:
Izberite ustrezen program.
Enkrat pritisnite na tipko, da jo
aktivirate (na prikazovalniku
se prikaÏe vrednost h00), nato
pa znova pritisnite na isto
tipko, da nastavite 1-urni
zamik (na prikazovalniku se
prikaÏe vrednost h01). Ob
vsakem pritisku na tipko se
vrednost poveãa za 1 uro. Ko
je na prikazovalniku prikazana
vrednost h24, s ponovnim
pritiskom na tipko prekliãete
ãasovni zamik – spet se
prikaÏe vrednost h00.
Potrdite nastavitev s pritiskom
na tipko “


(Start/pavza) – luãka v
prikazovalniku zaãne utripati.
Zaãne se od‰tevanje
nastavljenega ãasa; ko ta
poteãe, zaãne stroj
samodejno izvajati program.
âe Ïelite preklicati nastavljeni
ãasovni zamik:
5 sekund pritiskajte na tipko
za nastavljanje ãasovnega
zamika, dokler se na
prikazovalniku ne prikaÏejo
nastavitve izbranega
Zdaj lahko takoj zaÏenete
izbrani program s pritiskom na
tipko “


(Start/pavza), ali pa
prekliãete postopek izbiranja
z obraãanjem gumba za
izbiranje programov na
poloÏaj “OFF” (Izklopljeno).
Nato lahko izberete drugi



Ezt a gombot lenyomva minden

programot hideg

mosóprogrammá alakíthatunk át

a többi jellemzŒ (vízszint,

idŒtartam, ritmus stb.)

megváltoztatása nélkül.

Ebben az új eszköznek

köszönhetŒen biztonságosan

moshatók a függönyök, a

kisméretı szŒnyegek, a finom

kézi szŒttesek, és a nem színes



Ez a gomb a mosási ciklus
elŒzetes beprogramozását
teszi lehetŒvé, ezáltal a ciklus
kezdete legfeljebb 24 órával
Az indítás késleltetése az
alábbi eljárással végezhetŒ
el: Állítsa be a kívánt
programot. Az aktiváláshoz
nyomja le egyszer a gombot
(h00 felirat jelenik meg a
kijelzŒn), majd pedig nyomja
meg ismét az 1 órás
késleltetés beállításához (h01
felirat jelenik meg a kijelzŒn).
Az elŒre beállított késleltetési
idΠa gomb minden egyes
lenyomásakor 1 órával
növekszik mindaddig, amíg a
h24 felirat jelenik meg a
kijelzŒn. A gomb ebben a
helyzetben történŒ
lenyomásával a késleltetett
indítás ismét nullára áll vissza.
Nyugtázza a beállítást a



lenyomásával (a kijelzŒn lévŒ
lámpa villogni kezd).
MegkezdŒdik a
visszaszámlálás, amelynek
befejezŒdésekor a program
automatikusan elindul.

A késleltetett indítás az
alábbi módon törölhetŒ:
Nyomja le, és 5 másodpercig
tartsa lenyomva a gombot,
amíg a kijelzŒ a kiválasztott
program beállításait mutatja.
Ebben a fázisban
beindítható az elŒzŒleg
kiválasztott program a



lenyomásával, vagy
törölhetŒ a folyamat a
választógomb KI helyzetbe
állításával és egy másik
program kiválasztásával.

Downloaded From Manuals

Summary of Contents for GO4 106 DF

Page 1: ... äu ug gi i Használati utasítás A Au ut to om ma at tiic ck ká á p pr ra aö ök ka a N Na av vo od di il lo o z za a u up po or ra ab bo o User instructions PL HU CZ SL EN GO4 106 DF GO4 126 DF Downloaded From WashingMachine Manual com Manuals ...

Page 2: ...ep this booklet in a safe place for further consultation When contacting Candy or a Customer Services Centre always refer to the Model No and G number if applicable of the appliance see panel SL âESTITAMO Z nakupom na ega stroja ste pokazali da ne i ãete kompromisnih re itev in da ste kupec ki hoãe le najbolj e Z velikim zadovoljstvom vam ponujamo nov pralni stroj rezultat dolgoletnih raziskovanj ...

Page 3: ...Guarantee Safety Measures Technical Data Setting up and Installation Control Description Table of Programmes Selection Detergent drawer The Product Washing Cleaning and routine maintenance Faults Search SL KAZALO Uvod Splo na opozorila in nasveti ob prevzemu aparata Garancija Varnostni predpisi Tehniãni podatki Namestitev in prikljuãitev stroja Opis stikalne plo ãe Razpredelnica s programi Izbiran...

Page 4: ...alenou praöku peölivë zkontrolujte zda nebyla bëhem püepravy jakkoliv poäkozena Pokud ano reklamujte äkody u Vaäeho prodejce EN CHAPTER 1 GENERAL POINTS ON DELIVERY On delivery check that the following are included with the machine A INSTRUCTION MANUAL B CUSTOMER SERVICE ADDRESSES C GUARANTEE CERTIFICATES D CAPS E BEND FOR OUTLET TUBE KEEP THEM IN A SAFE PLACE Check that the machine has not incurr...

Page 5: ...ificate which allows free use of the Technical Assistance Service SL 2 POGLAVJE GARANCIJA Ob nakupu aparata vam mora prodajalec izdati izpolnjen in potrjen garancijski list Na osnovi potrjenega garancijskega lista in raãuna imate v roku enega leta od dneva nakupa pravico do brezplaãnega servisiranja va ega aparata s strani na e tehniãne sluÏbe oziroma na ih poobla ãenih serviserjev pod pogoji ki s...

Page 6: ...E EM MP PE ER RA AT TU UR RË Ë 9 90 0 C C Przed otwarciem drzwiczek pralki naleãy sprawdziç czy w bëbnie nie ma wody EN CHAPTER 3 SAFETY MEASURES IMPORTANT FOR ALL CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE WORK Remove the plug Turn off the water inlet tap All Candy appliances are earthed Ensure that the main electricity circuit is earthed Contact a qualified electrician if this is not the case Appliance complies w...

Page 7: ...ere is no obstruction to the bottom vents Lift the appliance in pairs as illustrated in the diagram In the case of failure and or incorrect operation turn the washing machine off close the water inlet tap and do not tamper with the appliance Contact a Candy Technical Assistance Centre for any repairs and ask for original Candy spare parts Avoidance of these norms may compromise the safety of the a...


Page 9: ...Z ZP PE EÖ ÖÍ Í EN CHAPTER 5 SETTING UP INSTALLATION Move the machine near its permanent position without the packaging base Carefully cut the securing strap that holds the main cord and the drain hose Remove the 4 fixing screws marked A and remove the 4 spacers marked B Cover the 4 holes using the caps provided in the instruction booklet pack WARNING DO NOT LEAVE THE PACKAGING IN THE REACH OF CHI...

Page 10: ...ial on the bottom as shown in picture Connect the fill hose to the tap The appliance must be connected to the water mains using new hose sets The old hose sets should not be reused IMPORTANT DO NOT TURN THE TAP ON AT THIS TIME Position the washing machine next to the wall Hook the outlet tube to the edge of the bath tub paying attention that there are no bends or contractions along the tube It is ...

Page 11: ... Ensure that the knob is on the OFF position and the load door is closed Insert the plug ATTENTION should it be necessary to replace the supply cord connect the wire in accordance with the following colours codes BLUE NEUTRAL N BROWN LIVE L YELLOW GREEN EARTH After installation the appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible SL Uporabite vse 4 nogice zravnate pralni stroj z tlemi a...

Page 12: ... Door handle Door locked indicator light Start button Aquaplus button Cold wash button Start Delay button Spin Speed button Digital Display Buttons indicator light Timer knob for wash programmes with OFF position Detergent drawer 6 POGLAVJE OPIS STIKALNE PLO âE Roãaj vrat Kontrolna luãka zaklenjena vrata Tipka Start Tipka za Allergie Tipka za pranje s hladno vodo Tipka za zamik vklopa Gumb za nast...

Page 13: ...ením voliãe programÛ do vypnuté polohy OFF CZ DESCRIPTION OF CONTROL DOOR HANDLE Press the finger bar inside the door handle to open the door IMPORTANT A SPECIAL SAFETY DEVICE PREVENTS THE DOOR FROM OPENING AT THE END OF THE WASH SPIN CYCLE AT THE END OF THE SPIN PHASE WAIT UP TO 2 MINUTES BEFORE OPENING THE DOOR DOOR LOCKED INDICATOR The Door Locked indicator light is illuminated when the door is...

Page 14: ...E Press and hold the START PAUSE button for about 2 seconds the flashing lights on the options buttons and time remaining indicator will show that the machine has been paused adjust as required and press the START PAUSE button again to cancel the flashing lights If you wish to add or remove items during washing wait 2 minutes until the safety device unlocks the door When you have carried out the m...

Page 15: ...issolves perfectly ensuring an efficient cleaning action The amount of water is also increased during the rinse procedure so as to remove all traces of detergent from the fibres This function has been specifically designed for people with delicate and sensitive skin for whom even a very small amount of detergent can cause irritation or allergy You are advised to also use this function for children...

Page 16: the delay start to zero Confirm by pressing the START PAUSE button the light on the display starts to flash The countdown will begin and when it has finished the programme will start automatically It is possible to cancel the delay start by taking the following action Press and hold the button for 5 seconds until the display will show the settings for the programme selected At this stage it is ...

Page 17: ...Z EN SPIN SPEED BUTTON The spin cycle is very important to remove as much water as possible from the laundry without damaging the fabrics You can adjust the spin speed of the machine to suit your needs By pressing this button it is possible to reduce the maximum speed and if you wish the spin cycle can be cancelled To reactivate the spin cycle is enough to press the button until you reach the spin...

Page 18: ...CLE DURATION When a programme is selected the display automatically shows the cycle duration which can vary depending on the options selected Once the programme has started you will be kept informed constantly of the time remaining to the end of the wash The appliance calculates the time to the end of the selected programme based upon a standard loading during the cycle the appliance corrects the ...

Page 19: ...TO THE OFF POSITION Press the Start Pause button to start the selected cycle The programme carries out with the programme selector stationary on the selected programme till cycle ends Switch off the washing machine by turning the selector to OFF NOTE THE PROGRAMME SELECTOR MUST BE RETURN TO THE OFF POSITION AT THE END OF EACH CYCLE OR WHEN STARTING A SUBSEQUENT WASH CYCLE PRIOR TO THE NEXT PROGRAM...

Page 20: ... sy yn nt te et ty yc cz zn ne e Syntetyczne nylon perlon baweäniane mieszane mieszane delikatne syntetyczne B Ba ar rd dz zo o d de elliik ka at tn ne e m ma at te er riia aä äy y É ÉR RO OD DE EK K P PI IO OR RÅ ÅC CY Y POKR T O PROGRAMATORA ZE WSKAèNIKAMI PROGRAMÓW PROGRAM dla materia ów Programy specjalne Bia e Biaä äe z praniem wst pnym Trwa e kolory Trwa e kolory Nietrwaä äe kolory Trwa e ko...

Page 21: ... 3 3 3 2 1 1 6 3 2 HÃM C 90 60 60 40 30 50 40 30 40 30 30 40 40 30 Nem érzékeny anyagok Pamut vászon Pamut vegyes nem érzékeny Pamut vegyes Kevert és szintetikus anyagok Szintetikus nejlon perlon vegyes pamut Vegyes finom szintetikus anyagok Nagyon finom anyagok MOSÓSZERADAG PROG TEXTÍLIA PROGRAM S p e c i á l i s l e h e t Œ s é g e k Fehér Fehér elŒmosás Gyorsan fakuló Gyorsan fakuló Nem gyorsan...

Page 22: ... cí íc ch h p pr ro og gr ra am må å CZ K KA AP PI IT TO OL LA A 7 7 Bílé tkaniny Barevné odolné tkaniny s pfiedpírkou Barevné odolné tkaniny Barevné odolné tkaniny Jemné barevné tkaniny Barevné odolné tkaniny s pfiedpírkou Jemné barevné tkaniny Ko ile Jemné tkaniny Vlna urãená k praní v praãce Ruãní praní Máchání Intenzivní odstfiedûní Pouhé vypu tûní vody MIX WASH SYSTEM PROGRAM O Od do ol ln né é ...

Page 23: ...orne tkanine iz me anice vlaken BombaÏ tkanine iz me anice vlaken Tkanine iz me anice vlaken in sintetike Sintetika najlon perlon bombaÏne me anice Me anica vlaken obãutljiva sintetika Zelo obãutljive tkanine PRALNA SREDSTVA V GUMB ZA IZBIRANJE PROGRAMOV NA Program za P o s e b n i p r o g r a m i Belo perilo Belo perilo s predpranjem Obstojne barve Obstojne barve Neobstojne barve Obstojne barve N...

Page 24: ...educed to 3 kg maximum Programmes according to CENELEC EN 60456 The spin speed may also be reduced to match any guidelines suggested on the fabric label or for very delicate fabrics cancel the spin completely this option is available with a spin speed button PROGRAMME SELECTOR ON PROGRAM FOR Whites Whites with Prewash Fast coloureds Fast coloureds Non fast coloureds Fast coloureds Non fast coloure...

Page 25: ... ensure perfect rinsing The final spin gives more efficient removal of water 2 MIXED AND SYNTHETIC FABRICS The main wash and the rinse gives best results thanks to the rotation rhythms of the drum and to the water levels A gentle spin will mean that the fabrics become less creased 3 SPECIAL DELICATE FIBRES This is a new wash cycle which alternates washing and soaking and is particularly recommende...

Page 26: ...e rinses with a intermediate spin which can be excluded by using the correct button It can be used for rinsing any type of fabric eg use after hand washing SPECIAL FAST SPIN PROGRAMME Programme FAST SPIN carries out a maximum spin which can be reduced by using the correct button DRAIN ONLY This programme drains out the water SL 4 Posebni programi IZPIRANJE Stroj perilo trikrat izpere med izpiranji...

Page 27: ...cs e g cotton synthetic etc FAST COLOUREDS to wash with a considerable energy saving The Mix Wash programme has a temperature of 40 C and alternate dynamic phases the basket that turns to static phases fabrics in soak in phase of rest with a duration programme that almost reaching the 2 hours The energy consumption for the complete cycle is only 850 W h Important the first washing of new coloureds...

Page 28: ... complete washing cycle wash rinse and spin able to wash in approximately 32 minutes a maximum load of 2 kg lightly soiled fabrics cotton and mixed fabrics We recommend with this programme a 20 detergent loading dose compared to the normal one in order to avoid detergent waste EN SL DNEVNO PRANJE 40 C HITRI 44 minutni program Ta kompleten program pranja pranje izpiranje in oÏemanje opera perilo v ...

Page 29: ... RA AÖ ÖK KA A J JE E P PÜ ÜE ED DU UR RÖ ÖE EN NA A K K A AU UT TO OM MA AT TI IC CK KÉ ÉM MU U O OD DÖ ÖE ER RP PÁ ÁV VÁ ÁN NÍ Í P PÜ ÜÍ ÍS SA AD D B BË ËH HE EM M P PO OS SL LE ED DN NÍ ÍH HO O M MÁ ÁC CH HÁ ÁN NÍ Í V VE E V VÄ ÄE EC CH H C CY YK KL LE EC CH H P PR RA AN NÍ Í CZ EN CHAPTER 9 DETERGENT DRAWER The detergent draw is split into 3 compartments the compartment labelled 1 is for prewa...

Page 30: ...T When sorting articles ensure that there are no metal objects in the washing e g brooches safety pins pins coins etc cushion covers are buttoned zips and hooks are closed loose belts and long tapes on dressing gowns are knotted runners from curtains are removed attention is paid to garment labels when sorting any tough stains should be removed prior to washing using stain removers only recommende...

Page 31: ...HE LOAD SIZE Achieve the best use of energy water detergent and time by using the recommended maximum load size Save up to 50 energy by washing a full load instead of 2 half loads DO YOU NEED TO PRE WASH For heavily soiled laundry only SAVE detergent time water and between 5 to 15 energy consumption by NOT selecting Prewash for slight to normally soiled laundry IS A HOT WASH REQUIRED Pretreat stai...

Page 32: should be used for particularly delicate fabrics Let us suppose that the washing consists of HEAVILY SOILED COTTON tough stains should be removed with suitable stain removal It is advisable not to wash a load made up entirely of articles in towelling fabric which absorb a lot of water and become too heavy Open the detergent drawer P Put 120 g in the main wash compartment marked 2 Put 50 ml of t...

Page 33: ...e machine sets the working sequence in motion The programme carries out with the programme selector stationary on the selected programme till cycle ends Warning If there is any break in the power supply while the machine is operating a special memory stores the selected programme and when the power is restored it continues where it left off When the programme has ended the word End will appear on ...

Page 34: ... very little maintenance Cleaning of drawer compartments Filter cleaning Removals or long periods when the machine is left standing CLEANING OF DRAWER COMPARTMENTS Although not strictly necessary it is advisable to clean the detergent bleach and additives compartments occasionally Remove the compartments by pulling gently Clean with water Put the compartments back into place SL 12 POGLAVJE âI âENJ...

Page 35: ...tops in vertical position Remove and clean After cleaning replace by turning the notch on the end of the filter clockwise Then follow all procedures described above in reverse order REMOVALS OR LONG PERIODS WHEN THE MACHINE IS LEFT STANDING For eventual removals or when the machine is left standing for long periods in unheated rooms the drain hose should be emptied of all remaining water The appli...

Page 36: ziie e p pr ro os sz zk kó ów w d do o p pr ra an na a s så å c cz zë ës st to o t tr ru ud dn ne e d do o u us su un niië ëc ciia a z z p pr ra an niia a ii n na aw we et t w w m ma aä äy yc ch h iillo oé éc ciia ac ch h m mo og gå å p po ow wo od do ow wa aç ç p po ow ws st ta aw wa an niie e p piia an ny y W W t ta ak kiim m p pr rz zy yp pa ad dk ku u d do od da at tk ko ow we e p pä äu uk ...

Page 37: ... vizet 3 A készülék nem üríti le a vizet 4 Víz van a padlón a mosógép körül 5 A gép nem centrifugál 6 ErŒteljes rezgés centrifugálás közben 7 Hibaüzenetek a kijelzŒn 0 1 5 7 8 9 8 Hibaüzenet a kijelzŒn 2 9 Hibaüzenet a kijelzŒn 3 10 Hibaüzenet a kijelzŒn 4 A hálózati csatlakozó nincs bedugva A fŒkapcsoló nincs bekapcsolva Nincs áramellátás Hibás a biztosíték Nyitva maradt az ajtó Lásd az 1 okot A ...

Page 38: ... N Ne ei io on ni iz zu uj jí íc cí í p po ov vr rc ch h a ak kt ti iv vn ní í ö öá ás st ti ic ce e s so ou uö öá ás st t p pr ra ac cí íc ch h p pr rá áä äk kå å s se e ö öa as st to o o od ds st tr ra añ ñu uj jí í h hå åü üe e a a n në ëk kd dy y s se e o ob bj je ev vu uj jí í j ja ak ko o z zb by yt tk ky y p pë ën ny y n na a p pr rá ád dl le e D Da al lä äí í m má ác ch há án ní í j je e n...

Page 39: ... avtorskih pravic 1 Stroj ne deluje na nobenem programu 2 Voda ne priteka v stroj 3 Stroj ne izãrpava vode 4 Na tleh okrog stroja je voda 5 Centrifuga se ne vkljuãi 6 Stroj med centrifugiranjem moãno vibrira 7 Prikazana je koda 0 1 5 7 8 9 8 Prikazana je koda 2 9 Prikazana je koda 3 10 Prikazana je koda 4 MOREBITNI VZROK KAKO JO ODPRAVITE MOTNJE V DELOVANJU Stroja niste prikljuãili na elektriãno o...

Page 40: ...n the fabric and does not alter the colour The presence of foam in the last rinse water which is not necessarily a sign of inadequate rinsing The non ionic surface active agents present in the composition of washing machine detersives are often difficult to remove from the washing itself and even in small quantities may produce visible signs of the formation of foam Carrying out further rinses in ...

Page 41: ... ukonãení jeho Ïivotnosti Symbol na v robku znamená Ïe s tímto spotfiebiãem nelze zacházet jako s bûÏn m domácím odpadem Musí b t doruãen do nejbliÏ ího sbûrného místa na recyklaci elektrick ch a elektronick ch zafiízení Likvidace musí b t provedena v souladu s platn mi pfiedpisy pro Ïivotní prostfiedí t kající se likvidace odpadu Podrobnûj í informace o zacházení vracení a recyklaci tohoto v robku do...
