CanDo C-Pro Diagnostic Tablet
serial number, product quality inspection tag or barcode removed, altered or
4) Maintenance and modification without the approval of CanDo
International, Inc..
7. The product quality problem or failure occurred within the warranty
period, you can take the following measures.
1) You can perform self-test for the product according to products help
information. If there are no hardware quality problems, try to upgrade the
product program.
2) You can dial CanDo International, Inc. to obtain the correct service
information. This includes obtaining an RMA# (Return Materials Authorization)
prior to sending the unit in for repairs. Product received without an RMA# will
be rejected.
3) After obtaining the company's effective reply, the product must mailed to
our designated address (see full address on the official website of CanDo
International, Inc.) for repair and maintenance, otherwise your product can not
receive timely repair and maintenance. And you have to take the lose of your
product. Please make sure to mark the outside of the box with the RMA#
8. During the process of warranty service, you will bear the costs associated
with delivery or maile to CanDo International, Inc., including product packaging,
transportation, insurance and other expenses.
9. Enjoying your free warranty service under this warrant clause is the only
measure for the losses due to product defect within the product warranty
period. CanDo International, Inc. shall assume no responsibility for your direct
or indirect loss.
10. All warranty information, product features and specification changes
will be posted on CanDo International, Inc. latest promotional materials and
web site without further notice.