CanDo C-Pro Diagnostic Tablet
registered trademark, service mark, domain name, logo, and company name in
countries which they have not yet been registered belongs to CanDo
International, Inc.. The other products and their company name trademarks
mentioned in this manual belong to the original registered company. The
trademarks, service marks, domain names, logos, and company names of CanDo
International, Inc. or other companies mentioned may not be used without
prior written permission of the owner.
CanDo Product Manual Instructions
Please read this manual carefully before using the CanDo product.
This manual is written in accordance with the existing configuration and
functions of product and it’s subject to change without notice if the
product adds new configuration and functions. The new version of the
manual can be downloaded from CanDo official website, please pay
attention to "Note", "Remark" and "Instruction" in the manual to make sure
the safe and correct use.
CanDo International, Inc.
Tel: 1-909-CanDo-11(226-3611)
Office: 138 E. Lemon Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 USA
Website: www.CanDointl.com