Powering the Unit:
With the consideration of the intake, exhaust, utility valve and low voltage wires all being correctly
installed, the unit is now ready to be plugged in. Once plugged in, the LED should illuminate at the
low voltage wire receptacle. If it does not, consult your local dealer.
At this point, the over-ride switch should be tested by turning the unit on and off via the power switch
on the unit itself. (See illustration page 4) For normal operation, leave this switch in the “off” position
when using a remote valve.
Filter Bag and Adaptor:
Low Voltage Wires:
Utility Valve:
For additional filtration and ease of use, this unit can be used with a filter bag. The included adaptor is
to be attached to the interior of the operational intake port. It is to be glued into place with PVC cement.
To install the bag, simply unfold and slide opening over the end of the adaptor.
Remove the lugs from the low volt receptacle on the side of the unit.
Make sure the unit is unplugged.
Locate the low voltage wires that come from the wall inlet valves. Strip the insulation from the ends of
the wires and insert into the lugs. Crimp the lugs ensuring a firm grip to the wire and re-install to the side
of the unit.
Please note that an extra utility valve has been included with this unit. Its intention is for installation
close to the unit to aid in the clean up after changing a filter bag or emptying of the dirt bucket, as well
as keeping the unit itself clean. Should the unit be installed in the garage, it also provides ease in
vacuuming motor vehicles.
Fig. F
Fig. E