Remove the head from its container and mount it on to the 3/8”
standard spigot located on the top of the riser unit. Tighten the
lock knob to secure the head to the stand.
You will note that on the yoke that holds the fixture head to the
riser spigot has a control knob that is used to adjust the desired
angle of the light. Loosen the knob to make the adjustment and
then re tighten to lock the angle in place.
Connect the power source to the head but do not power up as yet.
Determining power cord runs from the light to available power
should be done prior to powering on.
To prevent accidental tip over when using upper limit riser extension, it is recommended that a
sand bag be placed on one of the sliders of the tripod legs. The added stability is an important
safety feature.
Dimming Control Knob
is provided to control 100% to 10% dim-
ming with no noticeable color shift or flicker.
Flood to Spot Light Controller Knob
provides continuously Flood
and Spot lighting with beam control from 15% to a 85% spread.
Repeat the above steps to set up the second light in your kit.
Caution : AVOID direct sight into the Flashlight