Camtec Power Supplies GmbH - Gewerbestrasse 30 - DE-76327 Pfinztal / Germany
P.11/15 (03/2017.02.2)
Tel. +49 (721) 46596 - 0 Fax +49 (721) 46596 - 77
(Subject to alterations. This product is not designed to be used in applications such as life support systems wherein a failure or malfunction could result in injury or death)
Available Options
PS Option for Quick Downward Programming (PSOPT)
Quick Down Programming:
The input capacitance of a power supply can be discharged only slowly at low load. A quick downward
programming of the output voltage of an almost non-loaded power supply is not possible. This fact leads to
undesirably long cycle times on a test bench. The PS option works as an electronic circuit. It communicates
with the control circuit of the power supply and therefore permits a much higher dynamics of the system, as an
external passive base load.
Maximum continuous power capability is 5W. Maximum switching frequency is 1Hz. The switching frequency
must be reduced if external electrolytic capacitors are used.
Back-Feed Energy:
In the back-feed power by a consumer a regenerative current is charging the output capacitors. The output
voltage will increase. The following formula shows dv/dt=i/C.
When an electronic current sink is used, the output voltage remains constant at the set value. The current sink
provides a quick dynamic response.
Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3
A Power Sink (see Fig. 1) enables fast down programming at low load conditions or without a load. For
comparison, see Figure 2 (without) and Figure 3 (with PS option).
The PS-option must be installed in the plant because it is not accessible from the outside. It is necessary to
match the power supply after installation and perform electrical safety testing. We therefore recommend a
required a necessary PowerSink option to be purchased with the power supply unit.
Retrofit PS option:
Individual trained HSEUiREG dealer are pre-retrofit able. Alternatively, a HSEUiREG power supply may also be
sent to the factory. Please apply for this an RMA number from our service.
Test Certificate and Calibration
Optionally we offer with the delivery of a HSEUiREG power supply a Manufacturer's Inspection Certificate of
electrical setpoint / actual values. The power supply then is "calibrated". Such Manufacturers Calibration
Certificate for each power supply can uniquely be assigned via the device serial number.
A manufacturer calibration of a HSEUiREG can frequently be done via controlled recirculation on a regular
basis. Please request the help of your local HSEUiREG dealer or contact us directly:
[email protected]