In RS-232 mode, the main use of the CTS/RD– and RTS/TD+ lines is as RTS/CTS hardware
handshaking lines. CTS/RD– should be connected to the remote equipment RTS, and
RTS/TD+ to its CTS line.
The CTS/RD– (CTS) and RTS/TD+ (RTS) lines can also be used to trigger external circuitry
when not being used in handshaking mode. Note that when using CTS/RD– and RT/TD+
lines as input and output, the voltage levels are ±5V, NOT 0 and 5V.
CTS/RD– and RTS/TD+ cannot be used as separate input and output when in RS-485
6.2.3 RS-232 and RS-485 with switched power example
This image shows an example system with one RS-232 sensor and one RS-485 sensor, both using
switched power.
SDM-SIO2R Serial Input/Output Module with Switched Sensor Power