SDM-CD16D 16 Channel Digital Control Port Expansion Module
Figure 5 Address Selection Switch
6. Datalogger Instructions 104 (CR10/10X, CR23X, 21X,
CR7) and 29 (older CR7s)
Instruction 104 is used by the CR10/10X, CR23X, CR7 and 21X to control the
SDM-CD16D, and Instruction 29 is used by older CR7s.
The Instruction
descriptions are shown below.
Instruction 104 – SDM-CD16D used with CR10/10X, CR23X, CR7
and 21X dataloggers
Parameter Type Description
1 2 Reps (No. of modules sequentially addressed)
2 2 Starting Address (base 4: 00..33)
3 4 Starting Input Location
Execution Time = 2ms per Rep for the CR10/10X and CR23X
3.5ms per Rep for the 21X and CR7
Instruction 29 – SDM-CD16D used with older CR7s
Parameter Type Description
1 2 Reps (No. of modules sequentially addressed)
2 2 Device (2 = SDM-CD16D)
3 2 Starting Address (base 4: 00..33)
4 2 Card (Excitation card No.)
5 4 Starting Input Location
Execution Time = 150ms to 190ms per Rep
The number of SDM-CD16Ds to be addressed is defined by the Reps (repetitions)
parameter. Each Rep sequentially addresses (00, 01, 02,...32, 33) SDM-CD16Ds,
starting with the address specified in parameter 2 (parameter 3 for Instruction 29).
For each repetition, the 16 ports of the addressed SDM-CD16D are set according
to 16 sequential input locations starting at the input location specified in
parameter 3 (parameter 5 for Instruction 29). Any non-zero value stored in an
input location activates (sets HI 5V) the associated SDM-CD16D port. A value of
zero (0) de-activates the port (sets LO 0V). For example, assuming two repetitions
and a starting input location of 33, outputs 1 to 16 of the first SDM-CD16D are set
according to input locations 33 to 48, and outputs 1 to 16 of the second
SDM-CD16D are set according to input locations 49 to 64.
Use a screwdriver to select address