3. Initial inspection
When unpacking the equipment, do the following:
Unpack the unit in a clean, dry area.
Carefully open the shipping package, ensuring that the cable jacket is not damaged or cut.
Contact Campbell Scientific if the cable was damaged during unpacking.
Inspect the equipment for any damage that occurred during shipping. If equipment was
damaged during shipping, file a claim with the carrier and report the damage in detail.
4. QuickStart
A video that describes data logger programming using Short Cut is available at:
www.campbellsci.com/videos/cr1000x-data logger-getting-started-program-part-3
. Short Cut
is an easy way to program your data logger to measure the sensor and assign data logger wiring
terminals. Short Cut is available as a download on
. It is included in
installations of LoggerNet, RTDAQ, PC400, or PC200W.
1. Open Short Cut and click Create New Program.
2. Double-click the data logger model.
3. In the search box under the Available Sensors and Devices heading, start typing CS475A, or
find the sensor in the Sensors > Water > Level & Flow > CS475A Radar Water Level Sensor
folder. Double-click CS475A Radar Water Level Sensor (average stage) or CS475A Radar
Water Level Sensor (stage) (
(p. 3)). The CS475A (stage) measurement issues the
command and collects four values (stage, distance, battery voltage at the sensor, and
error codes) (
(p. 3)). The CS475A (average stage) issues the
command and
completes a NOAA PORTS measurement; the user must configure the sensor for the
number of measurements included in the average (
SDI-12 Address defaults to 0. Enter the correct SDI-12 Address for the radar sensor if it has
been changed from the factory default value. Default units for stage and distance
measurements are in feet. Change the units to Meter if the System Units have been
changed to meters.
CS475A Radar Water Level Sensor