CPEC300/306/310 Closed-Path
Eddy-Covariance Systems
1. Introduction
The CPEC300, CPEC 306, and CPEC310 (denoted as CPEC300 series from
this point forward) are closed-path, eddy-covariance (CPEC) flux systems that
are used for long-term monitoring of atmosphere–biosphere exchanges of
carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat, and momentum. The series replaces
Campbell Scientific’s CPEC200 which was a complete, turn-key system that
included a closed-path gas analyzer (EC155), a sonic anemometer head
(CSAT3A), datalogger (CR3000), sample pump, and optional valve module for
automated zero and span.
The CPEC300 series provides users with three options that cater to various
eddy covariance applications. All CPEC 300 systems use a CR6 datalogger and
the closed-path version of
EasyFlux™ DL
for automated post-processing flux
The CPEC series is available as three systems:
CPEC300 – a compact system with pump module
CPEC306 – a mid-level, expandable system with pump module
CPEC310 – an expandable system with pump module and three-
valve, zero-and-span module
This manual discusses three separate instrument packages that
have been developed to better address a wide variety of user needs.
The three instrument packages are the CPEC300, CPEC306, and
CPEC310. Throughout the manual, when the section being
discussed applies to all three systems, the systems will be referred
to collectively as the CPEC300 series. Where the manual
discusses specifics that are unique to one or two of the systems,
they will be named specifically as a CPEC300, CPEC306, or
Before using any of the CPEC300-series instruments configurations, please
(p. 2)
(p. 2)
(p. 24)
Operational instructions critical to the preservation of the system are found
throughout this manual. Before using a CPEC300 series, please study the entire
manual. Further information pertaining to the CPEC300 series can be found in
the Campbell Scientific publication
EC155 CO
and H
O Closed-Path Gas
Analyzer Manual
, available at