Solar Radiation Sensor Mounts
1. Introduction
The 015ARM, CM225, CM255, CM255LS, CM260, and CM265 solar
radiation sensor mounts (FIGURE
) are designed to be mounted on a mast,
crossarm, or pole. The mounting holes on the top plate allow a wide variety of
sensors to be mounted.
The CM226 is designed to mount on a mast, crossarm, or pole up to 5 cm (2 in)
diameter. This mount includes the leveling base required by smaller sensors
such as the Apogee CS301.
The 015ARM mounts to a vertical mast or tripod. The CM225 and CM226 are
designed to be mounted either horizontally to a crossarm or vertically to a mast
or a pole to keep the mounting plate level. The CM255 and CM255LS can also
be mounted horizontally or vertically, but include a 90° adjustment. This
allows the mount to be positioned and different angles, as shown in FIGURE
. The CM260 is designed specifically for securing a pyranometer near the
end cap of an ATI Torque Tube, and it can be used with any other 12.7 cm
(5 in) diameter tube. The CM265 has been specifically designed for the limited
space near the end cap of the NEXTracker Torque Tube, and it can be used
with any other 12.7 cm (5 in) diameter tube.
FIGURE 1-1. Pyranometer mounting brackets