Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Packing maintenance
Torque shall be applied accurately per Torque chart
‘B’. Over torquing will increase the opearting torque of
the valve and will also negatively effect the packing life.
1. Actuator/ Gear shall be removed including the
connecting Key(s) (30). Actuator position relative
to the valve position shall be noted for
2. Mounting bracket shall be removed from the valve
including the connecting studs/nuts.
3. Packing retainer nuts (18) shall be removed.
Assembly configuration shall be noted for ease of
reassembly later.
4. Packing retainer (16) shall be removed by
removing the nuts (18) and studs (17).
5. Blow-out ring (15) and packing bushing (14) shall
be removed..
6. Packing rings (13) shall be removed followed by
packing washer (12).
If leakage is found around the shaft area through the packing, retainer nuts shall be tightened slowly and evenly
until the leakage stops.
7. Packing cavity shall be cleaned with Light Mineral Oil
and shaft with Molykote
® -P74 (Grease) or
8. Packing washer (12),
new packings (13)
, packing
bushing (14), blow out ring (15), and packing retainer
(16) shall be reassembled according to the assembly
configuration noted in point 3.
9. Packing retainer nuts (18) shall be assembled by hand
without torque tightening equipment after applying a
thin film of lubricant on the threads of the stud bolts by
® -P74 (Grease) or Equivalent can be used.
Keys(s) (30) on the shaft end shall be reassembled.
10. Gear/actuator shall be reassembled and the Valve
shall be closed.
11. Packing retainer nuts (18) shall be tightened in
accordance with T
orque chart “B” (Torque values for
packing nuts).
12. If a leak is detected, pressure shall be released and
packing retainer nuts shall be tightened (18) slowly
and evenly until the leak stops.
Figure 7: Packing maintenance
Belleville Spring
Live loaded Packing
For live loaded packing design, make sure to
note down the sequence and pattern of the
belleville springs before removing them.
The live load packing nuts shall be tightened in
accordance with T
orque chart “B”.