Came reserves the right to suspend the Service and/or terminate
the Contract with immediate effect in the case of non-payment of the
amount referred to in article 5 or in the case of the violation of the
terms of articles 2.3 and/or 2.6. In this case, termination shall occur
automatically upon receipt by the User of the notifi cation sent by
Came, with no obligation for prior notice, without prejudice to the right
of Came to claim compensation for any damage suffered.
9.1 Came undertakes to ensure the ongoing provision of the Service.
9.2 Came will do everything in its power to schedule maintenance of the
systems so as to ensure the ongoing nature of the provision. In the
event of extraordinary and/or unscheduled maintenance, Came shall
take all reasonable measures to reduce the inconvenience to the User.
9.3 In the event that any Service defi ciencies are due to causes not
attributable to Came, including, but not limited to, unforeseeable
circumstances, force majeure, technical problems related to third-party
internet, software or hardware, interference and/or specifi c weather
conditions, Came will not be in any way liable for the failed or faulty
provision of the Service, nor will it be liable for any loss, damage or
injury arising from these to the User.
10.1 The subscription to the Service through the Website and the use of the
App assume that the User grants the data necessary for the provision
of the Service itself. To this end, the User undertakes to communicate
correct, current and truthful data required in order to enter into the
10.2 The User’s personal data will be processed by Came as detailed in its
privacy policy.
10.3 The User acknowledges that, with the prior express consent of the
User himself/herself, Came may inform its network of installers of the
data strictly necessary for the provision of remote assistance services.
In particular, with the express consent of the User, the installer that
performed the installation of the automation, home automation,
security, temperature control and/or video surveillance system
manufactured by Came may be associated with the system itself. In
this way, the installer can perform remote diagnostics, also verifying
the number of operations performed, the status of the photocells and
the Hardware parameters, and proceed with remote assistance to help
the User.
Any communication from the User that is connected and/or related to
the Contract - including any complaints, reports, requests concerning
the purchase and/or provision of the Service, exercising the right
of withdrawal etc. - must be sent to the e-mail address support.
[email protected] or, by registered mail with acknowledgement
of receipt, to the following address:
Came S.p.A.
Via Martiri della Libertà 15
31030 Dosson di Casier
Treviso - Italy.
Any communication to the User will be sent by registered mail with
acknowledgment of receipt or by e-mail to the addresses indicated on
the Form.
12.1 The Contract is governed by Italian law and, in particular, by the
Italian Legislative Decree dated 9 April 2003, no. 70 on certain aspects
of electronic commerce and, for residents of Italy, by the Italian
Legislative Decree dated 6 September 2005, no. 206, “Consumer
Code”, with specifi c reference to provisions relating to distance
12.2 In any case, any rights that may be attributed to the User by
mandatory legal provisions, in force in the country of residence or
domicile of the latter shall remain unaffected.
For any dispute arising under the Contract or related to it, jurisdiction
will be exclusively as follows:
a) the Court of the place of residence or domicile of the User, if located
in Italy;
b) the Court of Treviso (Italy), if the residence and domicile of the User
are located outside Italy.
The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties
with regard to the subject defi ned herein and supersedes any previous
contracts, agreements and negotiations with the same subject.
Came reserves the right to make changes to the General Conditions
at any time, publicising them to Users on this page. In the event of
a failure to accept the changes made to the General Conditions, the
User may withdraw from the Contract under the terms of article 7.1.